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You sat there crying on your floor. You thought about what your doctors had told you today, and you wished you could just forget about it, but no matter what you did you couldn't get it out of your head. Today, your doctors diagnosed you with something known as 'Adrenal Fatigue'. You didn't know what it meant, or what it even was. You just knew you would have to change your whole life around.

You got the courage to go on your phone and scroll through Instagram. Your day brightened a teeny tiny bit, seeing that some one you've followed for over a year posted a cute picture of him and one of his nieces, Lucia Faith. A small part of you thought about sending him a message, but part of you knew if you did he wouldn't respond. You took your chances anyways and sent him a message.

yourusername: I'm taking some chances right now and I'm sending you this, and I'll probably regret this later but, hello. My name is Y/n and over a few hours ago, my doctors told me I have Adrenal Fatigue. It's just crazy. Anyways, if you ever see this I wanna let you know that you're a huge inspiration to me.
        Delivered at 3:29 p.m. 7/19/18


The Next Day

itsjfred: Hi Y/n! I hope you don't regret sending this message. Thank you for being inspired by me, that really means a lot. I understand what you're going through actually because I have Adrenal Fatigue too. It's been rough but I'm managing.

yourusername: I was actually just fangirling haha. That's actually cool that I know someone with Adrenal Fatigue. Maybe one day we could meet each other and talk about it. I mean, only if you want to. Jeez I probably sound like a stalker right now.

itsjfred: I would like that. You seem different from all my fans. In a good way. Where do you live? Now I look like the stalker.

yourusername: I live in L.A. How about you?

itsjfred: Me too! This is probably short notice but I'm free tomorrow if you want to meet up somewhere.

yourusername: That's great. I'm working tomorrow morning but I'll be free after 10:00 a.m.

itsjfred: I would say let's get coffee but that probably isn't the best idea

yourusername: I'm really going to miss coffee ;(

itsjfred: how about you can get a small coffee and we can get salads?

yourusername: that works for me

itsjfred: great. I'll send you the time and location later tonight :)

yourusername: alrighty J-Fred talk to ya later

itsjfred: see ya Y/N



You sat there in the small yet cozy coffee shop, waiting for Joey to arrive. Waiting felt like forever but it wasn't. It only had been a few minutes since you arrived but you had been so nervous. You toyed with your fingers and the bracelets around your wrist as your gaze constantly went from the door then down to the ground.

Your head perked up when you heard the bells on the door jingle. Your gaze scanned a figure when my eyes were met by a pair of kind, blue eyes. A slight smile forming on your face as you rose from your seat slowly. Joey quickly strode over to you, his long legs making it very easy.

"Joey," You smiled up at him. You have to admit, he's way taller in person but his eyes were just memorizing. Anyone could just get lost in them.

"Hi Y/N. I..um...you're really pretty," Joey stammered. His cheeks were dusted a shade of pink. He was absolutely adorable. The smile on your face grew. You weren't as nervous after finally seeing him.

"Well thank you Joey. You're not too bad yourself," You chirped. He smiled down at you and you could feel your cheeks heating up. "You're a lot taller in person," you joked and he let out a small chuckle.

"Everyone says that. But, have you been waiting long? I'm so sorry I was little late," Joey said, his smile faded into a frown.

"Joey it's alright. I wasn't here long. I only got here about five minutes before you and I waited to order," Joey guided out one of his arms and gave you a goofy smile.

"Shall we go order m'lady?" Joey said in a posh accent. You giggled and stepped forward and nodded at him.

"We shall my kind sir," You responded in the same accent, earning a cute smile from Joey as he towered over you. The two of you walked over to the counter and a young girl at the counter came up to you.

"How can I help you two?" She asked kindly.

"Can we get two salads and a water?" Joey looked down at you, signalling if you wanted anything.

"Anything else today?" The girl looked at you.

"I would like a small y/f/d(your favorite drink) and that'll be all," you kindly smiled.

"That'll be a total of $17.59," She said. Joey grabbed his wallet out of his pocket and handed the girl a $20 and told her to keep the change. "You're order will be out soon. We'll bring it to you," She smiled.

You and Joey started walking back to the table that you sat at while you waited for him. You reached into your pocket and grabbed out money and handed it to Joey.

"What's this for?" Joey asked, looking at the money then back into your y/e/c eyes.

"It's for my drink and salad," He only chuckled and shook his head.

"Y/n it was my pleasure. I'm not going to take you're money," he placed his hand on your shoulder and smiled. You frowned at him and put your money away. Joey rolled his eyes and you smiled up at him. The both of you sat down at the table and sat in silence for a moment, but it was a comfortable silence.

You and Joey sat their for a few hours talking, eating your salads, and having your drinks. You talked about ways to cope, and just about life in general. Joey took a liking to you. It adored him when your y/e/c eyes would light up or your cheeks would heat up when you talked about certain things.

The two of you had been laughing at a funny moment Joey had told you when his phone went off. He gave you a small frown and gave you an apologetic look. You gave him a smile and slightly nodded.

"It's okay Joey, you can look and answer it," He gave you a bright smile and looked at his phone. His face went from a smile to a frown which made you somewhat sad. "What's wrong?"

"I have to go shoot a video for Team Edge. I'm so sorry Y/n," Joey slowly stood up and you soon followed his actions. You gave him a sad smile.

"Don't be sorry Joey. I had a wonderful time with you. Thank you very much for spending time with me," You said. You were tempted to hug him but you kept still, not wanting to ruin anything.

"Thank you Y/n for not leaving me. I also had a wonderful time. I would really love to spend more time with you soon," Joey smiled down at you and engulfed you in a tight yet comfortable embrace. You could feel heat rushing to your face and your heart beat quicken.

Before Joey pulled away from the warm embrace, you felt him kiss your head. You looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back, a big goofy grin on his face.

"I would love to spend more time with you Joey," you said softly before kissing his cheek. "text me later when you're done shooting for Team Edge,"

"I defiantly will. Let me know when you get home. I want to make sure you're okay...alright I need to get going. See ya later Y/n," Joey said with the same goofy smile plastered on his face.

"See ya Joey," and with that, he rushed out the door to go shoot a Team Edge video. You were left there with a smile on your face and your cheeks dusted a rosy pink. Who ever knew that a health condition would help you find your true love.


wow this was actually hard to write. I wrote this kinda based on real events? Not really? Pretty soon I'm getting tested for Adrenal Fatigue so I though I would right this. I hope you guys like it!

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