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Alexander Hamilton's head shot up from the book he fell asleep on.
"Where am I?" He thought, before realizing he had fallen asleep in the library while studying for his law test.
"Ow" he heard from 3 isles down. Alex, being the curious person he is, (granted that trait has proven to be good AND bad) went to go see who it was.
However, he hadn't expected the cause of the commotion to be the most glorious person alive. He had beautiful cocoa brown eyes, and freckles dotted all over his face and arms. His hair was in a messy ponytail, but to Alex it couldn't look more beautiful, with a few rebellious streaks hanging out of the blue ponytail band. He wore sweatpants and a loose fitting navy blue shirt.
"Umm, hi?" He said, right before Alex realized he was staring.
He noticed that a book had fallen on Johns head due to the huge stack of books on the table and that John had fallen asleep which also means subconsciously falling out of his chair.
"Hi, are you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm fine,... who are you?"
"Alexander Hamilton, and you are?" Said Alex.
"Laurens. John Laurens, I'm a junior" said John laughing.
"I'm a sophomore, nice to meet you, and what might you be at 2 am at the library?"
"Ghost busting" he replied sarcastically, making them both laugh, "so I've never seen you on campus before, what brings you here?"
" I'm here on a scholarship, but I'm from the Caribbean." Usually Alex didn't tell people he didn't know anything about his past, but John seemed different. John seemed special. They walked out of the library together until Alex said quietly "Umm could you by any chance show me to the sophomore dorms?" John laughed "Sure, but it's a long walk from here."
"I'll survive"
As they took the long walk back to the sophomore dorms, they did a lot of stuff. Sometimes they talked about random topics, sometimes they just walked in comfortable silence, then they landed on the subject of friends.
"You'll meet mine soon there's Lafayette, Hercules, and Peggy. Lafayette and Hercules are dating, you're cool with that by the way, right?"
"Yeah don't worry. Actually, I'm bi."
"Yes yes yes yes yes, wait, John your strait, don't forget that" said the little voice inside Johns Head.
"What about you? Who are your friends?" Asked John
"Well, I don't really have much time to socialize because I'm working so much to keep a 4.0 GPA"
"Then I insist."
"What?" Alex inquired.
"Tomorrow I'll pick you up at your dorm and you can meet my friends. Then you'll know some people."
"Well I don't want to be a bother." Alex stammered.
"Not a problem at all. Actually, you should give me your phone number." Replied John with just a hint of a smirk. (Johnny is getting flirty)
Alex was thankful that it was so dark outside so that John didn't see the giant blush creeping up his face.
"O-okay" said Alex, writing a set of numbers on a scrap paper (because let's be honest he has at least 3 notebooks in his bag and let's not even get into the pencil count).
"We're here." Said John.
"Th-thanks." Stuttered alex right before closing the door. Inside he found his roommate, Samuel Seabury, asleep on the couch, snoring too unnaturally for him to actually be asleep.
"I know your awake." Laughed Alex.
"Well, I tried, so, who's the new guy?" He said sitting up with an eyebrow wiggle.
"Well, he's a sophomore, he has 3 friends he's going to introduce me to tomorrow, he gave me his phone number, and he's probably strait." Replied Alex, " his laugh makes you want to laugh with him, he has beautiful freckles everywhere on his arms and face, his voice is like a thousand angels singing, and of course I have to fall in love with one of the first people I meet." He continued, sighing.
"How about this, tomorrow, you go meet his friends and see how he acts, most people act like themselves in front of their friends."
"Ok fine." Said Alex "what about that Charles guy, weren't you talking about him a lot" said Alex with a smirk.
"I was drunk and he was hot" said Seabury, blushing, "granted he still is hot" he muttered.
"Go to bed you dork" laughed Alex, throwing a pillow at Samuel
After 10 minutes of silence, Alex whispered
"Sam I need my pillow back."

the fan fiction that i just discovered i made in 7th grade Where stories live. Discover now