Chapter 2

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Trigger warning: self harm mentioned? But it's like a sentence so like idk
Johns POV
I collapsed on my bed, thinking about the nights events. What did I do for the universe to put him in a library with the worlds most beautiful human being. No John, you're straight remember that. Ugh curse my raging homosexual feelings. But I can't be gay. I would lose my money for college, my future, 

My dad
God, why did I get stuck with a homophobic dad. And why do I have to get so happy and warm inside when a cute guy walks in a room. Whatever, that's probably just a phase. That's happened since 2nd grade. Go to sleep John, it's just in your head.  Like, remember that time you thought a girl had nice eyes and hair in 4th grade? Nope she ended up as your best FRIEND. And don't forget that sickening feeling you get when a girl flirts with you. Well, time to do my nightly ritual. I walked quietly down the hall so I wouldn't wake up my roommate. I can't deal with Lee tonight. Yeah, my roommate is a sophomore, because his family is rich n' stuff so he got a junior dorm. But he acts like a 2nd grader. And he always has his friends over for parties. He makes it really hard to be an introvert. When I got to the bathroom I flossed, took out my hair (because my pillow is the only thing that sees my hair without a pony tail) and reached for my toothbrush but accidentally picked up my razor. Memories flooded back, but I put it on the counter, not wanting to deal with that tonight. I can't deal with that. I ran-walked back to my room, and fell asleep after laying awake for 45 minutes, thinking about the guy I met

Alexander Hamilton

Hi guys I'm back umm this is kinda a filler  soooooooo oops have a nice day and thanks for reading

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