Coming home

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Percy's pov*
I have been gone for about a month in secret. I went to Athena for her blessing to marry Annebeth, as usual of course saving the world twice, jumping after her into Tartarus, such as isn't enough. I think, and I know most think that I can't, though obviously I can I am only a kelphead to give my Annebeth the spotlight, I am not as big as a hero as they make me out to be, I am just like the rest of them if it weren't for the real hero's like Charles, Selena, Ethan, Luke and more many others I wouldn't be here today. Those are the real heroes..

I am finally back at camp, I walked towards Thalia's pine tree where Peleus is wrapped around the tree. Peleus protects the Golden Fleece, as usual he knows I am approaching and puffs out smoke, I give him a pat and continue on through the borders of camp. Immediately my senses tell me something is wrong, but I don't need senses to tell that. Either people are glaring at me or giving me looks of sympathy, yet I noticed not one approached me, even avoided me when I went near them. Then I saw my fake ass brother, I saw everyone congratulating them and cheering them on, but it died down as I saw "her" kissing brother. She cheated on me with that sea scum!

I felt the world crumble around me. Tears began to fall from my eyes as I stared at the two, they finally broke apart noticing me.

P-Percy.. WAIT! No this isn't what it looks like! Annebeth said, as my half brother just smirks knowing this was the final straw.

Third person pov* We all felt it, the power of a true hero's pain... A sea green aura erupted from Percy, power we never felt before. He glowed brighter and brighter until we were forced to look away, as he yelled out the sea and sky were uncontrollable, then the earth began to shake. The hero blessed by Olympus for his actions in the war, this was a mistake that we failed to notice. When we opened our eyes we saw a complete wasteland of our former home, as some of us cried, yet we were fearful as it continued, we were next! That was until shadows formed a goth looking boy, who shot out of the nearest shadow, as we saw Percy began to lift off the ground levitating like Jason. Oh no..

Nico pov*
I saw the destruction of the camp, it was in ruins, without thinking I did the only thing I could do, I ran into Percy and wrapped my arms around him. Slowly I felt the world around us quell slightly then slowly, I felt us descending to the ground as I felt strong arms wrap around me. I looked into his eyes that stopped glowing pure sea green, forever moving like a whirlpool inside those eyes. Then I heard Arrows, the only thing I noticed was his arm dropping from my waist but one holding me tighter, as his arm went up with his palm out. His eyes were glowing again as sea green filled both his eyes, I didn't understand until I turned my head as I saw a few dozen arrows coming at us... he was protecting me?!.. I felt happy that he was protecting me and now it's my turn, I shadow traveled us away..

No ones pov*
Percy a soft voice breaths... this is answered by two sea green orbs looking at Nico, like he was the only thing in the world that mattered. Do you have somewhere we can stay away from all of this?.. Nico asks quietly. In response Percy holds out his hand patiently, which Nico grabs his hand as he feels both of them disappear in front of a mansion in Alaska.

Nico's pov*
Percy... you own a mansion?! I jump up and down excitedly, till I notice it looks a little hade-ish. When I look at him he just shrugs in a it's not a big deal manner. I was shocked but it does look like something I would like... say Percy? He looks towards me at full attention. Why does this seem like my style? He told me a very simple phrase which made my love for him grow even more. I thought you would like it... he said so quietly, I almost didn't hear it. Wait... for me? Then I recalled him saying he had something to show me when Bianca died.. this is what you wanted to show me... I declared it wasn't a question I knew. He confirmed this by nodding, opened the door for me, as I walked through he shut the door behind us and pressed a button I don't know what it did but whatever, I rather explore. I watched him go down a hallway open a door and disappear.

No ones pov*
As the pale boy explores for an hour, he stumbles across a place with meant for him specially apparently. What is this Nico says as he notices a hand scanner, well it does have my name on the door... the boy ponders to himself, he puts his hand on the scanner, and the door opens itself. He walks through as the lights turn on.. PERCY!!! The boy yells out. The room rumbles slightly, as a bright light appears faster than the eye can see sweeps the boy off his feet, holding him to his body eyes ablaze with two glowing whirlpools of sea green, as a dome covers them with riptide drawn in the other hand.

Nico's pov* Percy! It's ok I'm sorry, I was shocked by this room. It's ok, calm down alright? He nods at me still looking around for any danger. Holy Hades, I didn't think he would come in swords blazing like this was world war three! Percy puts me down, much to my comfort as a blush started to appear because of how close he was. I looked around the room in amazement it was art contributing Bianca and Will, so many types of different art sculptures, paintings, drawings, they were amazing! Ugh now I'm feeling tired, Percy can we go lay down? He says of course, and we walk to the rooms, he says I can have any room I please, and I nod. He enters a room, and I go into another room and I realize shit I need clothes and stuff. I smack my head then I get the darkest idea to check the room, and I noticed I got everything I could need and want. I change into clothes to sleep in but I can't go to sleep... damn it, I go to Percy's door and knock, he told me to come in and so I open the door and shut it behind me. I try to be casual leaning on the door looking at him in the face, definitely NOT his shirtless body. Hey um Percy, I-I um.. Well I mean I was wondering.. damn it just get it out! I mentally smacked myself in the face, though Percy got the hint moving over.

No ones pov*
The blushing Nico got into the bed with his back to Percy, Nico accidentally pressed into Percy's back. Oh! I'm sorry! Nico exclaimed. But was later silenced as Percy's arms wrapped around Nico, though Nico was worried, he subconsciously laced his hand with Percy's, a million thoughts seem to be running through the child of hades head. Though it all came down to one thing, that he may actually have Percy Jackson. With this new realization Nico followed Percy into a peaceful and dreamless sleep satisfied.

Eh 1300 words not bad I made this so both Bianca and Will died if you didn't catch already and obviously percico/pernico I never even done a Percy Jackson before until I thought about it yesterday and said f it so aye whatever I guess haha

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