Chapter 8 | Apology

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    It's been a week since I was at the hospital. My thoughts were still empty, it almost felt like I had nothing inside of me. Why? Why do I feel this emptiness? I liked Zane, and I really do now. But how does he feel about me? Is he mad? Well, I bet he is. After pushing me that hard, that I even broke my arm..
    13:28 PM. The nurse came in and I acted like everything was fine. But nothing actually was. She checked my forehead, and wrote something on the papers.
,,Well, mister Jay. If everything goes fine, you can go home tomorrow'' She smiled and wrote a few more things. I shoved that little smile on my face. As she closed the door, I stopped smiling and deeply signed. There was no one in the room with me, so I sometimes talked to myself.
,,Hey there, world. Well would you just look in what shape I am. And I'm pretty sure Zane is mad at me.. However I'm the one who made him mad. I kissed him.. Wait, I did not, it was an accident, right? He did not like it. He-''
I stopped talking, as I heard a slight knock on the door.
,,Jay, sweetie. Are you alright?'' My mom said having a worried look in her face. ,,Hey mom, dad... I'm fine'' I replied slowly.
,,Hey there son. It seems you have never told us how everything happened?'' Crap. What now? I can't tell the truth. Not yet..
,,O-oh, well.. I j-just fell really hard.. Y-you know, I was running, because I was late for c-class and..'' Nothing could come up to my mind.
,,Nothing..'' Well, what an amazing ending.

    I can finally go home. But I did not feel any better. The same old room, same old house. I lay on my bed, and look at the ceiling. White. Once. Again. I turn my head against the wall. I remember Zane. I feel butterflies in my stomach, but at the same time I want to cry my eyes out.
I do remember, that I have his number, and I do want to call him. I.. I missed his voice.. And his smile. Although I think that texting him would be less awkward. But does he want to interact with me? Maybe that's a bad idea.. I thought to myself. Instead, maybe I should leave him alone?
Just then I heard a calm vibration coming from my phone. I roll over to the other side, and reach out my hand to get my phone. As I have it, I lay on my back, looking at the black screen. Can't be that bad. I unlock my phone, and I read ,,unknown number'' shinning on the screen. I lifted my eyebrow, and looked at the text below.

Hello Jay. It's me, Zane. I don't know, if you still want to see me ever again, after what I did. So I better write it down.
    There is a student in our school. The biggest bully of them all. Morro. He bullies every single student in there, even me sometimes. He doesn't have friends, because of the bullying. Although, every teacher thinks he's good. You know why? Because he's a ghost. No one can ever tell anyone about what he's doing. He just disappears. The same happened when we.. You know. He was right there. And I saw him just around the corner, looking at us and slowly vanishing. That's when I really needed to go. I'm sorry if I left you there confused, sad, or angry. I didn't mean to. The reason why I left, is that I wanted to ask Morro what he saw, and what he'll do. But, apparently, you can't get much out of a bully, and a ghost.
I also left you this note, because I thought we'll have good time. And we did. Before the- you know.. Now he told the whole school. Pixal got mad at me, because she didn't expect this side of me. I got pretty mad at her for believing Morro.
Now, all I want to do is apologise, for pushing you, yelling at you too. I couldn't control my temper. I'm not mad at you, I just overloaded.
   My eyes the got wide as ever. Zane? Texting me? Apologizing? I suddenly felt so weak, my eyes got sleepy, heart beating fast, legs and arms heavy. A mess in my mind, I was shaking. I wanted to reply, but-
,,Jay, sweetie dinner is ready!'' My mom cut me off of my thoughts. I though the reply can wait, and so can Zane.

But can I?


AaaAaaaa im soryyYyy-

I havent written in ages, but wanted to update as soon as possible qwq so I hope its really nOt that horrible..
yesh, the past eps were a bit- er, depressing haha. And there was not much techno, but the story has only just begun owo🔫✨


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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