This Can't be Good.

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April was in utter shock, she couldn't believe what she was reading. She pulled over to text him back.

What?! What hospital?

April anxiously waited for him to respond. She was going through all the things that could go wrong.

Once Jon sent her the name of the hospital, April immediately sped towards it.

When she got to the hospital, she rushed through the doors. "Hi. I'm looking for Jonathan Good."

"Ma'am, calm down. He can't have visitors right now."

"Why? I need to see him. Now." April emphasized "now".

"He just went into a coma. We don't know when he will awaken."

April stepped back from the desk, shaking her head. "No...I..I was just texting him.. he's're lying!"

"Are you family?"

"No! He's awake!" April stormed through the hospital, screaming his name.

The doctors rushed towards her, yelling for her to stop.

"Jonathan! Please..." April collapsed on the floor, crying.

The doctors, and now police officers, lifted her off the floor. "Get off of me! I need to see him.."

The police turned her around, and put cuffs around her hands. "You can't arrest me! No! Stop!"

The officers took her away and put her in the car. "You're not under arrest. We're testing you for insanity."

"I'm not insane! It's a misunderstanding!" April continued to sob.

When they got to the station, she had calmed down a bit. They took her out and walked her inside. "Please, take a seat here and we'll be right back."

"Take the cuffs off, please. They hurt."

The officer removed the cuffs and walked away.

April sighed. Instead of going to a wrestling match, I'm being tested for insanity. How wonderful.

April thought of Dean, and became saddened again. Will he be okay? Oh god, let him be okay.

April sat up in her chair as the policeman came over to her with a big machine. "Follow me."

April followed him down a long hallway, until he walked into a room.

"Sit here."

"Is this going on my record?" April was nervous.

"No." The officer started to attach wires to her brain and limbs.

" all this necessary?" April was shifting in her chair, uncomfortably.

"I could put you in jail if you prefer that."

April shut up, an let him attach her to the machine.

"This process will take about an hour. If the line is red, you're insane. If it's blue, you're sane."

"I'm sane. I'm going through a heart ache.." April sniffled.

The officer left her alone. April started to fall asleep, fading fast.

An hour later, the officer came back. "He started to unhook April, waking her up. "You're good to go."

April smiled slightly. "Thanks."

"And, I got you in to see your lover."

April shot up and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much."

AJ Lee; the story of a savior.Where stories live. Discover now