This is just great..

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Eventually, the doctors carried Jon out of the room. April couldn't bear to watch this, so she didn't.

One man came back in to tell her that Jonathan would be OK. That made her satisfied. Now she had time to focus on herself.

When would she defend her FCW championship? When's her next match? Will she have to give up the belt?

She had too many questions than she had answers. One last question: when will she recover?

April's eyes wandered around the room, her mind swirling with questions. When a familiar face appeared she perked up.

"Hey Steve! Boy, am I glad to see you."

Steve fidgeted with his hands, looking down at the ground. "Right.."

April was confused. "What's the matter..?"

"Um, April, I have to forfit your title.."

April sighed. "I figured as much. But, it's okay, I'll win it back." She reassured herself.

"Yeah, about that.. You won't be going back to FCW."

April almost jumped out of her bed, pain stopping her. "You mean I made it to WWE?!?" She could hardly speak.

"No. April, I mean that your career is.. over."

April's face went blank. "What do you mean..?"

"You may not recover from this injury. That little accident ended your wrestling career. I didn't want to tell you this way. I'm so sorry."

April started sobbing, barely processing what she was hearing. "No.. I't can't be.."

Steve stayed quiet, looking down at his feet.

"Tell me you're kidding! You have to be kidding! I'm not even hurt, look!" April ripped off all the cords that were attached to her. She threw the blanket off of her, jumping to her feet.

She wouldn't admit how much pain she was in. Steve tried to stop her, but she pushed through him. "See! I'm fine! Just fine.."

April's whole body was in excruciating pain, but she pushed through it. Walking down the hall, doctors tried to stop her. She pushed them into the walls or anything she could manage.

"Don't touch me! I'm fine!", she screeched at all the doctors. "I'm out of here!" She ran her fingers through her hair, frantically looking for the stairs.

She made it to the main lobby, almost out the door. In one instant, she felt a sharp stab; it was a needle. Then, she blacked out.

AJ Lee; the story of a savior.Where stories live. Discover now