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yanan made his way to his first period, science. he hung his head low, trying to not making eye contact with passing students.

he reached his desk, pulling out his textbook and homework from the night before. the boy watched students fill the empty desks, not paying attention to their faces. his head shot up, the sound of laughter filling his ears.

he caught sight of the boy.

yeo changgu

he watched the boy as he sat down at his desk. his group of friend crowding around him.

"you know, staring is rude" a voice said breaking him out of his trance. he turned meeting eyes with a red headed male.

"i-i-i wasn't staring, jinho...i was...observing." he stuttered, blushing slightly.

"well if you weren't staring, who were you observing?" a brown haired boy questioned.

"no one..." yanan mumbled.

"come on, tell me. i promise i won't tell anyone."

yanan shook his head.


he shook his head again.


"drop it, shinwon." jinho cut the boy off "if he doesn't want us to know, that's fine. he'll tell us when he's ready."

"tell me at lunch" shinwon begged. he was dying to know who this mystery man was.

he facepalmed "shinwon...even if i were to tell, you wouldn't be the first to know. jinho would." the redhead smirked, snickering quietly.

"i trust him more."

the brunette scoffed "i'm very trustworthy!"
jinho burst out into laughter. shinwon stared at the older male in confusion. "w-what's so funny...?"

"oh nothing" the redhead continued to laugh. a few students turned to see what was going on. yanan locked onto a certain pair of honey brown eyes. he turned, his face heating up quickly. "can you guys keep it down...e-everyone's staring..." the chinese boy mumbled, his voice almost indistinguishable.

"i kinda got carried away, sorry" the redhead gave both the boys an apologetic smile.

"yeah sur-"

jinho shot a glare at the brunette, warning him the teacher had entered the classroom. shinwon sank into his seat not wanting to visit the principals office for "distracting students from the lesson" again.

the teacher swiftly jotted down notes on the board, eager to teach these high school students biology.


yanan shuffled to his locker, putting away his textbooks.

"hey yanan, how was math?" a familiar voice questioned. he closed his locker meeting eyes with the red headed male.

"ok i guess..." he sighed, pulling out his lunch box. "shall we go to lunch?"

the older nodded, trailing behind him.

candygrams ♡ yanoneWhere stories live. Discover now