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July 1536

In the Danish Court of 5 year old King Christian his spies told him everything that's happened in England. The murder of the true Queen of England, Elizabeth banished and disinherited, the king remarried and the kings eldest daughter back at court. This infuriated the child king. He demanded his spies bring Princess Elizabeth to him. He wanted Elizabeth as his Queen. He had a portrait of her and accounts of her personality and beauty from his spies.

Within 2 weeks Elizabeth was in Denmark. She was confused and asked Christien why she was there. He responded that she would be safer there and not in England.

August 1536

The boy king let Elizabeth live in the Queens apartments. The boy king had no regents. He ruled Denmark on his own. He could do what he wanted.

September 1536

Elizabeth turned 3! A big celebration was held in her honor.

December 1536

That Christmastide he announced to all of his court that when Princess Elizabeth turns 5 they will wed. The court was happy for their little king and did not complain about the fact they were too young to be married and should've waited till she was 15. The little king wanted to marry Elizabeth as soon as he could.

Elizabeth The Child Queen Where stories live. Discover now