Chapter 3

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Alex groaned as the man she was fighting forced his blade down harder on her own, inching closer to her face. She was losing and her knees bent as she fought harder against keeping his blade away from his face. Out of the corner of her eye she suddenly saw a blur of silver and blonde run into the man, tackling him onto the ground and throwing his sword far away from him. Perfect timing Kara Alex thought as Kara finished the man.

Kara quickly jumped up and faced Alex, gripping her bicep in a strong hand. "Are you okay?" All Alex could do was nod slightly as she locked eyes with Kara. She saw a fire in her sisters blue irises that she had not seen for a while, it honestly scared her.

Kara lunged for her sword, shoving Alex out of the way before impaling her blade deep into the man sneaking up behind Alex. As Kara removed her sword from the man blood poured from his wound and some landed on her.

Alex didn't have long to show her appreciation as she saw someone coming from behind Kara. "Kara!" Was all she could yell before Kara ducked out of the way, the blade that was aimed for her neck landed in the taught muscle of her shoulder and Kara groaned in pain. She kicked the man away from her before wrenching the blade from her skin and flipping it in her hand and stabbing the man straight through his chest with it. His eyes bugged before he went limp.

Kara stood up straight again, clamping a hand on her wound as Alex looked at her in shock. "Are you okay?" Kara asked again, ignoring her own injury.

"You're asking me that?" Alex asked dumbfounded. "You're the one who just got stabbed."

"It's nothing new, I'm used to it." Alex didn't buy it but let it be. "Now let's go finish this."

Alex nodded, loving her sisters fighting spirit. Suddenly a voice rang out over the battle field, instantly stopping any and all fighting. "General Danvers! I have a proposition for you!"

"I don't negotiate with the enemy!" Alex yelled back at the man, ignoring her sisters protest.

"Will you not listen to what I have to say?" The man asked the stubborn brunette.

"Alex please just hear what he has to say," Kara said, whimpering as blood came from the cracks of her fingers.

"Fine," Alex growled. "What is your proposal?!"

"You send someone to fight me and whoever wins gets control over the others army!"

"No way! I would never do that!"

"You might not, but I will!" Kara yelled, ignoring her sisters death glare.

"What is your name?"

"That is of no importance to you!" Alex had to admit, she had never seen this side to Kara, though she hadn't been in her life for 12 years.

"Fair enough! What weapon do you choose?"

"Iron short-sword!" Kara answered almost on impulse.

"Oh, do we have a gladiator in the mix?"

"You'll just have to wait and see!"


Kara and the man -a tall blonde man with sharp green eyes and a very muscular build- stood in a makeshift circle made by both sides. They both were off to the sides, preparing to fight.

"Kara you're an idiot," Alex whispered, gripping Kara's shoulders enough to make them hurt. "Attack first, aim for his stomach-"

"Alex I know how to fight," Kara cut her off, grabbing the sword Alex held out to her.

Alex slightly shoved her forwards while saying, "Kick his butt."

Kara swallowed thickly, imagining she was back in the arena and that this was just a simple fight, not that the life of every man on her side was lying on if she won or lost. Yea no pressure Kara thought to herself as she got into her fighting stance.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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