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        The plane ride was the most horrible ordeal I''ve ever been through. Eleven hours and thirty minutes. I talked to Jordan for the first thirty, but after a while we got bored. I had a Marvel's the Avengers marathon. I watched every single one except for Iron Mans 1, 2, and 3, which were a disappointment. That made the whole trip go by fast. I looked over at Jordan in the middle of Captain America: The Winter Soldier to see her slumped over in her chair with Nickleback blasting through her Beats. My dad had Pride and Prejudice on and was watching intently. For all his finesse, he's an Austin softie. These two are all I have. Sure, I've got a few friends at school, but I've known Jordan since third grade when she moved from New York, and we've been best friends ever since. 

        Jordan and I are polar opposites. She's outgoing and crazy, and doesn't care what people think. I'm always wondering about what that guy was thinking about me or if that girl thought I looked like a stripper in these jeans. Jor was just so completely herself, all the time. I always feel a bit like a double agent around people, no matter how well they think they know me, I'll always have that extra life where I can be myself, by myself. I looked back at my tiny screen and paused the movie. Gosh, that guy is hot. I thought, looking at Chris Evans with a little grin on my face. I was so tired. My head nodded back in my uncomfortable airplane chair. Apparently I slept for a while, because when I woke up, we were there. I craned my neck over my dad and stared out the window. The Eiffel Tower was visible in the distance. The fricking Eiffel Tower!

        "Hey, Dad omigosh we're HERE in Paris!" I said excitedly, shaking him vigorously. He opened his eyes sleepily.

        "Wha--" He mumbled. When he saw the city of love below us he grinned sleepily. "Paris, Tessie!" I nodded, still beaming like a madwoman. I moved my gaze towards Jordan. She had her eyes shut tight and was bobbing her head crazily. Typical Jordan behavior.

        "Behold the curly-haired Jordan in it's natural environment." My dad said in his best Bear Grylls voice. I shook my head, smiling. "Notice the wild fur of the Jordan and how it gets immobilized when provided with rock music. When this natural phenomenon occurs, trained hunters such as myself can sneak up on the Jordan and capture it. Do not try this without the proper education." Dad reached over me slowly and was about to grab her when she reached out and took hold of his hand. Jordan's eyes were still closed. 

        "You're right, don't try this ever, actually." She said quietly, smiling. Jor finally opened her eyes and switched off her music. She leaned over me and Dad to look out the window, like nothing had happened. My dad was wide-eyed and staring, but he'd be fine in a minute. The last time Jordan had done something like that in front of him had been in fourth grade. I knew better. Jordan had crazy reflexes. that was all.

        Our plane landed five minutes later, and Dad was back to his normal chatty self. I was bouncing up and down a little in my chair, and Jordan had pulled her knees up to her chin. The flight attendant said something in French, then again in English.

        "A small portion of the airport has caved in" She announced in calm, accented English. "There will be a slight delay because of this. Please be patient."

        "Oh, great" Dad was slumped over a little. Drama queen. Dad threw tantrums at restaurants when our food didn't arrive within twenty minutes. He's that guy. My father reached up and pressed the little stick figure button to call the flight attendant. I rolled my eyes and glanced at Jordan, who had put her head in her hands. She knew Dad well.

        The skinny blonde flight attendant walked daintily up the aisle. "How may I help you, Mossier?" She asked politely. 

        "Well," said my dad. "You see, we have a very delicate schedule, and this could throw us off a ton. We're scheduled to go to a ton of stuff that we want to do!" The flight attendant looked distressed.

        "Well mossieur, neither the captain nor I can do anyzhing to help your situation right now," Her face was flushed red. Jordan whispered in my ear,

        "First day on the job." I didn't ask how she knew. I did hand signals at the french flight attendant and mouthed the words 'it's fine, he's a drama queen' at her. She looked relieved, and I knew Jordan had been right. She sent me a nervous smile and Jor and I grinned back. Dad was still bothered. 

        "It's totally fine Dad. We only have to check in today. Nothing big at all."  His face stopped shaking so much. 

        "You're right." I was, its true. "Thank you and sorry for the trouble," Her face finally went back to its normal shade. I high fived Jordan. 

        "Crisis averted," I said jokingly. Her eyes got all distant and misty for a second. "Jordan? You okay?" 

        "Yeah, course," She replied. I was about to ask her about it when the new flight attendant's voice came onto the loudspeaker. "

        "The captain has turned off the seatbelt sign. Please exit the plane in an orderly fashion. For those of you remaining in Paris, enjoy your stay, Those continuing on to Zurich should go to gate B10." The passangers cheered as everyone got off the plane. Paris! Really really Paris!

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