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I was going to wander around town for the rest of the day but decided to go grocery shopping instead.

Yes, I skip school and go grocery shopping with my time, but my mom never does the shopping so if there's going to be food in the kitchen I need to supply it.

I walked into the supermarket and grabbed a cart. A few people looked at me as I walked in. I stood up straight trying to look older just incase there was anyone that wanted to rat me out for skipping.

I continued moving and made my way in, grabbing some things we needed as I went along.

I was pushing my cart going past a bunch of aisles when I saw someone that looked slightly familiar from the corner of my eye. He was standing in the snack aisle with a cart beside him.

I stopped my cart and leaned back to see the tall, slim guy staring at the shelf of crisps.

"Noo way..." I whispered to myself. I pulled my cart into the next aisle, leaving it in the middle and sneaking over to the sides of the aisles.

A lady passed by giving me strange looks. I laughed to myself and ignored her as she looked back at me again.

I peeked down the aisle and started smiling like crazy; something I hadn't done in forever.

The man staring ever so intently at the crisps was the same guy that played the keys in a band I loved: Bastille. Kyle frickin' Simmons was all but ten feet away from me.

I decided to "casually walk by him." I grabbed my cart and pushed in down the aisle he was in. I acted like I was looking for something on the other shelf.

I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't even look where I was going, and of course with my luck my cart smashed right into his... hard.

I hit it so hard it pushed him to the ground too. I gasped and stood there, not knowing what to do.

"Oh my gosh, I'm- I-" I tried to apologize.

I wanted to catch his attention, but not like that! He started laughing and got up.

"Hey, it's okay," he continued laughing.

I felt my face getting redder by the second. I slightly nodded and ran off, leaving my cart there.

I honestly didn't care about to groceries anyway. That was totally embarrassing! Why why WHY did I have to be so stupid?

I ran out of the supermarket and walked down the street a little. I laughed a little to myself as I replayed the scene in my head.

Instead of going up and simply asking for a photo or autograph like a normal fan, I had to almost kill him with a shopping cart.

Good going, Jessalyn.

Highest Fall You'll Ever Grace •a bastille fanfic•Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum