The story of Mario's ark

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So, Luigi was noticing that the humans were being annoying little shits. So because of his smart decision making, he decided he wanted to flood the entire fucking planet, obviously. So, Luigi called upon Mario to build a single boat to hold two of every single animal, yes, every fucking animal on earth at that time, on one mother fucking boat.

"Mario, I want you to build an ark that will hold two of every animal, I'm gonna-a flood the earth for no-a fucking reason." Said Luigi to Mario from the sky. "Why, what good will that do? You realize everyone will be dead by the time the flood is over, right? And you really expect me to build a boat that can hold two of every animal. Every fucking animal. How would I find them? How would I be able to find every animal on the fucking planet, and how would I be able to contain them for a fucking week. How would I feed them, how would I feed myself? There's no way I would be able to have that much food and water for every animal and myself at the same time. Are you fucking mad? What is the reasoning behind doing this?" To which Luigi responded "do it for free family guy funny moments on family guy funtimefunny11's account on"

Mario couldn't put down this offer, so he built the ark, and somehow contained the animals and fed them. After the flood had passed, Mario walked out of the ark and what he saw was beyond amazing,

 After the flood had passed, Mario walked out of the ark and what he saw was beyond amazing,

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Mario saw family guy epic funny moments, and he knew that his reward was worth the troubles.

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