chapter two

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(Your pov)

I woke up to sunrays on my eyes annoying me a bit but its wormth was conforting , I turned a bit and to what I believed what annoyed me was now at my back warming me up more , starangly I thought my wounds and the pain they cause would wake me up , but no I didnt feel a thing close to pain , I was confortable warm and painfree '

am I dead?'  That thought didnt scare me nor hurt me I was partly glad and partly guilty for reasons that were as many as the days of my life , before this thought can be a truthful statment I felt a touch on my hand and a soft voice whispering near me thats when I knew I was close to waking up , and that I did .

I felt a presence of a man near me , to afraid I keep my eyes closed acting as if I was still in deep sleep listening to what he was whispering near me

" im sorry your reality is this way , if only people would understand how precious you are then maybe your life wouldnt be this cruel , maybe if more people understood you to have a heart then you wouldnt be in this state , I wish things would be better , but who am I to say this since I am to guilty of mistreating your kind , but I promise I will make up for my mistakes and care for you "

His voice was gentle and true I felt wetness near my cheeks and soon came to realise that he might be crying since I did sence sadness laced in his words , my heart dropped knowing he was cruel to creatures like me but my heart couldnt help but jump at his promise even though I shouldnt trust him so easily it was nice to hear those words even if they were fake , even if they didnt last , a few days of peace and care wouldnt hurt.

Gathering enough strength I open my eyes squinting a bit at the harsh light It takes a moment for my eyes to get used to the light , I see a face that was to beatiful to be human to pure and unstained to be like me  ...'what are you?'

Me : h-hi .I was scared but I needed to make my consciousness known , his eyes widen for moments but then soften slightly looking at me gently he smiles before talking

?? : you're awake now , how are you feeling?

I know why he asked me that question so I take  my time to let my body show me how its doing but strangly I dont feel pain at all I take a glance over myself to see all my wounds scratches and cuts bandaged up even my stab felt as if it was stitched up I looked at him with a confused expression

Me : why did u...treat my wounds? He smiled sadly

?? : because you wouldnt have made it if I didnt . ' I woundt have minded that'

Me : so are you gonna h-hurt me after I heal l-like everyone e-else? Thats what th-they all do .

my voice was weak sad but very truthful some people hurt me then healed me at first I thought it was because of guilt , but it turned out that they just wanted me to last longer so they can have more fun with me , his expression didnt seem shocked because that was the commen act towards my kind  but the sadness never left it almost seemed as if someone he knew somekne he loved  was who was hurt it had me confused and scared

?? : no never , I treated you , to take care of you.he gently held my hand pulling it closer to his face making me feel the heat of his cheek and the wetness of his now existent tears.

I was shocked confused scared but greatful happy and hopeful all at once and somehow my body didnt know how to properly react to all this except to let the barried tears fall and now both our cheeks were stained by wetness

Thank you


Thank you for reading lovelies I hope you're injoying this story ♥ 
Here is a little bts gift

Thank you for reading lovelies I hope you're injoying this story ♥  Here is a little bts gift

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Chimchimie overload

Why do dis to me valian (get it get it

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Why do dis to me valian (get it get it okay)

He is always playing with my heart ,

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He is always playing with my heart ,......


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2018 ⏰

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