Chapter 1

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Things have been different since summer started. Liam hasn't been around much because of football. Although me and Emily have been able to hang out alot more since she picks me up from dance practice. My dad is always on business trips. The house is empty normally.

Emily lives with me the majority of the time. We both work as well at a clothing store called Quiksilver at our local mall. We spend all our time together.

I miss Liam. I rarely see him anymore unless I'm at the house when he's home. He's either at football practice or out with friends. We have maybe spent a month together with all the months put together.

I'm always at the skatepark. I made a friend there. His name is Andrew and he goes to our school. We have two days left of summer before school starts. I'm about to start my senior year. Andrew is nice. He's cute too. Really cute. He plays video games too.

Thing is I have a slight crush on him. We rarely talk unless I go to the skatepark. But he's so sweet and an amazing guy.

“Cars” Em says. I snap back to reality and look at her. “Sorry” I say. “What are you thinking about” she asks. We stop at a red light. “Thinking about school, Liam, Andrew, work” I say. “Well focus on skateboarding. You have competitions coming up here soon” she says. The light turns green and we start driving.

“I know. But I also have when school starts I'm gonna be at practice everyday, then boarding, then work, then maybe homework. It's gonna be so much” I say. “You decided to take on four things at once. Cars it's gonna get to the point where your gonna have to give up something” she says. “Em. My mom skateboarded and danced. I have to keep up the bills since my dad is always gone. Homework is for school” I explain. “I know” she says.

We pull into the park. She parks and we sit there. I look in my corner and see Andrew waiting. “I'll be back after my shift. If not see about getting a ride home” she says. I nod and hug her. After the hug I get out and grab my board from the trunk. I close the trunk and go to the gate.

I see a couple of my skater buddies and high five them. There is Skater (Literally) Johnson, Gregg McAllister, Trayvon Dickson, and Jordan Torres. Four of my friends since middle school. I look over at my corner.

I walk over there and sit down. “Hey” I say. He looks up from his phone and at me. He smiles and closes his phone. “Hey you” he says. I smile as well. “How's your week been” I ask. “Pretty good. My sister is close to having her baby” he says. “What about you.” “Been busy. Practice, work, then here every day” I say.

“How do you do it. Manage so many things at once” he asks. “Fucking magic my friend” I say. We both burst into laughter. He gets up then helps me up. My foot gets caught on my board and I hit his chest.

We stare at each other for a second. Our lips are dangerously close. We look at each other then pull away.

I swallow hard then go back over to my boys. I get my padding on and my helmet. We all do some warm ups. Andrew couldn't take his eyes off of me.

In that moment I wanted to kiss him. I really did but I shouldn't have because I have Liam. Although what he does when I'm not with him is a mystery to me.

I do wonder what he does when he's not with me.


I've been waiting for Emily for about 30 minutes now. Andrew has been waiting with me. He offered to take me home but I refused.

“Are we gonna talk at school” he asks out of nowhere. I look at him. “I'd like too” I say. “I don't wanna be just the friend from the skatepark” he says. I smile. “You aren't” I say.

It's quiet now. “You ready for Skateparkfreakout” he asks. “Nervous but yeah. You know it's me, you and Skater right” I ask. He nods. “We need nicknames for the announcer to call us” he says. “I already have mine” I say. “And what might that be” he asks. I smile and giggle thinking about it. “Sexy Potato” I say. He burst out in laughter. “I fucking love that” he says. I’ve never actually heard in curse.

Its cute.

“Are you sure you don’t need a ride home” he asks. I look around and realize she’s not coming to get me. “Yeah can you take me home” I ask. He smiles. “Come on” he says. He takes me to his car and opens the door for me. I smile and get in the car.


The drive home was quiet. I look at the radio and see an aux hole. “Can I use the aux” I ask him. He looks over and nods. I smile and grab my aux out of my dance bag. I plug it into my phone and car and start playing a song called Zombie by The Cranberries but the Bad Wolves version.

He smiles and starts singing softly to it. I look over at him and smile. I start singing as well but quietly since I’m embarrassed of my singing voice. He pulls into a gas station. He goes to get out and turns to me. “Do you want anything” he asks. “An Icee” I say. He nods and runs in. I turn the music up and start belting out lyrics.

Honestly this song has helped me through a lot in my life. I’ve been extremely depressed for a long time. It sucks because I didn’t really have anyone to confide in except for Emily and Andrew.

I hear a knock at the car door and see Andrew standing there laughing at me. I turn the music down and look at him, highly embarrassed. He opens the door and hands me my icee. I sip quietly. “Why did you stop it was so cute” he says. I blush badly. “I didn’t want you to hear any of that” I say. “Why? You’re actually an amazing singer” he says, starting the car. “Because I’m embarrassed by my singing voice” I say. ‘Well you shouldn’t be. You’re beautiful” he says.

Wait what.

“I mean your voice is beautiful” he says, sipping his drink. I sip mine as we drive off.


He pulls up to Emily’s drive way to see Liam waiting. I furrow my eyebrows and grab my dance bag. I look at Andrew. “Thank you for the ride” I say. He smiles. We both lean in and hug each other. I grab my bag and get out of the car.

Liam storms up to me and aggressively slams his lips against mine. I kiss back at first then he pulls away. “Who the hell is that” he asks. “Just a friend from the skate park” I say. I look at the drive way to see Andrew still here, texting. Liam storms up to the car. I try to stop him but fail.

He aggressively knocks on the window. Andrew rolls his window down. “Wanna knock any harder” Andrew asks. “Why you bringing my girlfriend home” Liam snaps. “Baby let's just go inside” I say. “Emily didn't pick her up and so I was nice enough” Andrew says.

Liam grabs my hand tightly and starts to squeeze. “Babe let's go” I say. “I don't want to see you near my girlfriend again” Liam says. I rip my hand from Liam’s. Liam starts to lead me away from the car.

“Bye Cars” Andrew says, very low. I look down and tear up. “Bye Andy” I say to myself.

When we get inside the house, Liam slams the door. “Are you fucking crazy” I yell. “You're my girlfriend not his. I don't want to see you near him again or else” he says. “Or else what” I ask. “You don't want to know” he says. “Since when are you this fucking psychotic. You were never like this” I say. “Guess you don't know me then” he says then heads to his room.

Honestly I had never thought about Liam being like this and now that I've seen him like this, I'm actually scared.

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