Chapter 12

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After the pool everyone goes in. Liam and Lily haven't let go of each other since she got in the pool which makes me and Carson both really happy. "I need to shower. Andy help me" Carson says. Everyone looks at us. Liam looked pissed. Damn it.

"We're gonna go get some pizza. We'll be back here soon" Emily says. Everyone walks out of the house. I help Carson upstairs. She goes into the bathroom and turns on the water. "Do you want me to get in with you or" I start. "You can" she says. I smile. I take off my shirt. I help her get undressed.

Nothing about this felt sexual. It felt like love. Real love.

She gets in first. I finish getting undressed and get in slowly. "Can you wash my back" she asks. "Sure" I say. She hands me the body wash. I put some in my hands and I rub her back. She giggles. I turn her around slowly and slowly walk back. Her back hits the wall and I hold her up so she doesn't put to much pressure on her ankle.

She smiles up at me as the water hits my back. My face dangerously close to hers. "What's wrong" she asks.

"I love you Carson" I say.


There's that word again. But right now I feel ready to say it back.

"I-I" I stutter.


"You don't have to say it back if you don't want too. I want you to know that I, Andrew Caleb Cutler, love you, Carson Renee Legend" he says. I smile.

I Am Ready.

"And I, Carson Renee Legend, love you, Andrew Caleb Cutler" I say to him. He smiles huge. I lean up again kiss him. He kisses back. He picks me up and sits me on his waist.

His friend was poking me. "Please" I say. "What baby girl" he asks. "I need you" I say. He nods and slides inside of me causing me gasp.

We go slow at first.

He slams one hand against the wall and thrusts up into me. I moan and lean my head back.

This wasn't just sex.

This was something real.


We lay on my bed as we wait for everyone else to get back. I said the L word to Andrew and I 100% meant it.

I love Andrew more than I think I even realized.

We hear the front door open.

"GUYS WE'RE BACK" Emily yells from downstairs. We both get dressed and Andrew helps me downstairs to see our friends digging into the pizza they had just bought. I miss the last step and cry out in pain. "Fuck" I curse.

Emily and Lily come running over. "Are you okay" they ask. "Yeah. I slipped" I say. Emily and Andrew help me to the counter. "My boot is under my bed in my room" I tell Andrew. He nods and heads upstairs. "So did you say it back" Lily asks. I laugh. I nod, smiling huge.

Andrew comes running into the kitchen with my walking boot. Emily and Lily help put it on and Andrew sits next to me. He kisses my cheek. They help me off the counter and we take the pizza into the living room. "How about some truth or dare" Anthony asks.

We all agree and sit near each other. "Liam truth or dare" Emily asks. "Truth" he says. "Do you still love Carson" Lily blurts out. We all look at her then Liam. "U-Um" he stutters. "A little bit" he says. Lils looks down. "But I love Lily more."

Bull shit.

"Andrew truth or dare" Liam asks. "Truth" Andrew answers. "Pussy" Anthony mumbles causing Brandon and Liam to laugh. "How far have you gone with Carson" he asks. Andrew smirks.

Uh oh.

"Well considering you didn't give her much, I gave her something powerful. She knows what real sex is now" Andrew answers. Emily and Brandon start dying of laughter. I can't believe he just said that.

Liam was furious. Lily grabs his hand. He looks at her and calms down.

She is his anchor.

"Carson truth or dare" Andrew asks. "Dare" I say. "I dare you to leave a hickey on Andrew's neck" Emily says. "He's kinda covered already" I say then giggle. "Shit" Lily says, as Andrew pulls his collar down. "I dare you to sing for us" Andrew says. "She doesn't sing dude" Liam says.

"I do, just not for many people" I say, looking at Andrew. "Just a little bit baby" he asks. Liam tenses at the word baby.


I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose

Fire away, fire away

Ricochet, you take your aim

Fire away, fire away

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium


Everyone is staring at me.

"I know it's not that good" I say. "Um what the fuck are you talking about? That was fucking amazing" Lils says. I blush hardcore.

"Emily truth or dare" I ask her. "DARE" she shouts. "I dare you to jump into the pool with all of your clothes on" Brandon says. I laugh. "Shit bet" she says, getting up. She runs and jump into the pool. I laugh so hard that I fall into Andrew's lap. Lils and Anthony were also dying of laughter.

She comes back in soaked. "I need to change" Emily says, as she starts heading up the stairs. Brandon follows close behind her. "I think we should watch a movie" Liam says. "Set it up then" I say.

We all reposition. Andrew and I lay in the recliner. Lily and Liam sit on the couch. Anthony stays on the floor.


I think Liam is fucking confused. One minute he's obsessing over Carson then the next he's all over Lily.


About half way into the movie, Carson falls asleep. Emily and Brandon passed out on the floor. Anthony was snoring like crazy. Lily was asleep but Liam wasn't. "Why are you so in love with Carson" I ask him. "Because she was my first everything. I had loved her before we ever started dating. She was the first girl who ever thought to be my friend" he explains.

"She's the first girl I ever loved" he says. I hear him sniffle. "Don't cry man. She's an amazing girl. But I can tell you have something with Lily that you didn't have with Carson" I say. "And that is" he asks. "Realism" I say.

He yawns. "Goodnight man" I say. "Night" he says. I close my eyes and hold my girlfriend and I slowly drift off to sleep.


I open my eyes slightly and no longer see Carson. Or Liam.

Everyone else is asleep.

'Liam go away" I hear Carson say. I go upstairs and see Liam with his hands on Carson. Furiously, I go in there and rip him off of her. "Get the fuck out before I kill you" I say.

He looks terrified. ALmost like he didn't realize what he was doing.

Carson wraps me in her arms as Liam rushes out.


I didn't exactly know what I was doing. I get that way when I'm feeling any type of way. I don't know what I was doing. I run into the kitchen and run my hands through my hair.

Lily comes into the in kitchen and sees me. "Baby you okay" she asks. I shake my head and pace back and forth. "You did it again didn't you" she asks. I nod. I hear someone stomp down the stairs.

"Who the hell are you to touch my girlfriend like that" Andrew snaps as he comes towards me. Carson hobbling behind him. "Andrew don't" she says. "No. What the hell gives you that right" he snaps. "He doesn't realize he's doing it" Carson says. "Bull shit" Andrew says.

"It's true" Emily says coming into the kitchen. "He's always done it."

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