Chapter 15

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"The guy from the party is Travis Mason. My England crush and if I'm right that that means my father's home" I tell Andrew. "Do you want me to take you home" he ask me. He nods and I nod as well. He grabs his keys. He helps me stand and takes me home. I call Emily along the way to meet me at my house.

I open my front door and see the tv on. Travis turns around. "C-Carson" he says in his heavy accent. Memories from the night before replay in my head. My dad comes down the stairs. "Carson you're home" he says. "What's going on here" I ask in my british accent. Andrew looks at me. "Yes I can switch" I say in my American accent.

"We got back yesterday" he says. Travis comes in and looks at me. "You look different" he says. "I'm not the same girl I was almost 5 years ago Travis" I say. He gets closer and I back up into Andrew's arms. Travis takes a long look at Andrew as anger takes over his face. "You're the guy that hit me last night" he says. "Well if you hadn't been all over my girlfriend I wouldn't have had to hit you" Andrew snaps. "Girlfriend" my father says.

My father has missed a lot. I didn't know Emily or Liam. I didn't know Andrew or anyone else when I got here. "Andrew and Emily this is my father and friend Travis" I say. "Father and Travis this is my boyfriend Andrew and best friend Emily."

"So let me get this straight" my father starts. "You and your little boyfriend went to a party. Travis was on Carson which led to Andrew hitting him."

"Bout sums it up" I say. "I need to sit down" my dad says and sits on one of the island stools. "So I'm guessing your crush for me is gone" Travis asks. "Travis my crush for you died the night I left England" I say. "Harsh but cute" he says. Gross he's flirting with me again.

"How long is he here" I ask. Travis scratches the back of his neck. "I'm staying Carson" he says. My stomach starts turning. "I think I'm gonna be sick" I say as I rush to the kitchen sink. I throw up in the sink as Andrew and Emily hold me up.

I clean my mouth and stay in Andrew's arms. "You're staying" I snap. "Y-Yeah" he says. "Andrew take me home" I say. "You are home" my dad says. "This isn't home. This is Travis's home now" I say. Andrew and Emily help me to the door.

Travis stops me at the door. "Wait. Don't do this" he says. "How can I not" I say, tears starting to form. "Travis you are the reason I left England and came to the states. You broke my heart. You knew how much I liked you and you did it anyway" I explain. "Did what" Andrew asks. Emily looks down.

"Doesn't even matter" I say and rush out of the house and to Andrew's car.


I honestly have no idea what just happened but I help Carson to my car. She breaks down in tears. Emily comes over too. Carson begins shaking the way she did last night. Something this guy did terrified her.

We ended up taking her back to Emily's. Liam was home on the couch. He comes rushing over. We take Carson to the room she stays in when she stays the night there. I hold her tightly in my arms.

"She hasn't shaken this bad since" Liam starts. He comes to realization. "He's here isn't he" Liam asks. "Someone tell me what's going on" I ask. "That guy isn't the best person" Emily said.

"Travis raped me" Carson blurts out causing everyone to go silent. "That's why I was shaking so bad last night. Travis is the reason I left England."

"Tell him the story Cars" Emily says. Carson looks at me.

"I moved to England in the 5th grade and stayed till the summer before my 9th grade year" she starts. "I met Travis in middle school. We became friends really fast. After 8th grade ended, my crush on him developed into something else. One night him and I were with a couple of friends. We were playing truth or dare and he was dared to go into an empty bedroom for 7 minutes. He started to climb on top of me. I pushed him off but he kept coming. It was planned. The whole night was planned" she explains.

Tears form in my eyes.

"I never told my dad what happened. I only told him I wanted to go home to be with mom. I came home and my mom died two weeks after I got here. I started school and met Emily and Liam. Liam and I connected instantly. The first night we did anything I was so scared because of what Travis did. I pushed Liam away for a while. I eventually told them what happened and they understood. From then on I didn't talk about him or about that night" she finishes.

I was in awe as she was telling me this. I never want to see this fucker again or I will kill him.


We ended up staying the night. I was still really upset and I do seriously hate this guy for what he did to her. I play with her fingers as she sleeps. She hasn't kissed me since before Skater's party. I miss kissing her already. She's facing me at the moment and I want to kiss her but I don't want her to get mad.

She groans softly and opens her eyes. "Hey baby" I say. I look at the clock behind her. 3:49 am. "Hi" she says softly. I smiled and moved a piece of hair from her face. "You okay" I ask her. "No" she says. "Why baby" I ask her. She gets closer to me and winces. Probably at her ankle. "I need to kiss you" she says. "Then kiss me" I say moving my face close to hers.

"I'm scared to" she says. I furrow an eyebrow. "Why baby" I ask her. "Because if I kiss you, I won't want to stop. And if I don't stop, all I'll see is him touching me" she explains. "He really is affecting you isn't he" I ask her. "What he did, didn't just affect me. It changed me" she says. I lick my lips.

I need to kiss her. "I need to kiss you" I say to her. Our faces stay dangerously close. "Please kiss me" I ask her. Her breathing falls heavy. "I can't" she says, pulling away. She gets up and sits at the edge of the bed.

I'm hurt but yet I understood. I get up and sit next to her. She begins to cry and I just hold her. "Shh it's okay" I say. She pulls away and just slams her lips against mine. I'm taken back but finally kiss her back.

I lightly grab a hold of her and lay her down on the bed. She continues to kiss me like her life depended on it. I pull away and begin to kiss down her neck. I bite and suck to leave a hickey. She moans softly.

Why now is she kissing me?


At around 4 in the morning I get up to go into the kitchen. As I pass Carson's room, I hear moaning. She wouldn't be dumb enough to have sex in my house. Plus she's been to freaked out about Travis. I try and ignore it and go into the kitchen.

Minutes later, Andrew comes into the kitchen. I notice massive hickeys everywhere. "What the hell" I ask her. "She got a little handsy" he says. It was killing me. "Did you two fuck" I ask. "What no. She's to scared too" he says. "Then what's with the moaning" I ask. He laughs. "Still not over her I see" he says.

"I don't want you fucking MY ex-girlfriend in MY house" I say now angry. "Dude chill. I was just kissing on her neck. I didn't fuck her in your house because it's wrong and she's terrified to go further than hickeys and making out okay. I'd never disrespect you or your family like that. You know I want to try and become friends with you but your making it really hard" he explains then goes back to the room with Carson.

So much for making friends.


I was at the point that I didn't want Carson around anyone for the sake of her. Liam still in love with her. Travis in her house. I want her happy and right now she's miserable and depressed.

I took her to school the next morning but she didn't say a word to me in the car. She just looked out the window. I look down at her hand and slide my hand into hers. She looks at me and gives me a soft smile.

The real Carson is being stripped from her and I don't want to completely lose her. 

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