Chapter Two

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The tarmac was cracked and uneven under her feet as she ran through her faction and in to the centre. The school was meant to be in the middle of everyone but ended up being right next to Erudite and Candor and miles away from Amity and Abnegation, barely any one other that the Dauntless knew where they were based so it was all but impossible to know. The grey houses flashed past her and the pounding of her feet got louder as she tried to escape the dull monotone faction. She knew that she didn't belong here, no home should be a prison but she didn't know if she had the self confidence to trust her self. And she couldn't see herself belonging in any other place. She couldn't stomach the idea of never having a secret, having to tell everyone everything. And the idea of the entire life spent studying filled her with dread. It's not that she wasn't clever, she was, not there she would ever admit it to her self but she was always near the top in her classes.she always felt that Amity were slightly odd, she didn't understand how they would be willing to be attacked and not even defend them selfs, they were willing to get hurt or even die before they would consider violence. Although Eleanor wasn't a violent person she could appreciate that in some cases it was the only option.
A sweat was starting to break out across her forehead, she was running faster than normal, using it to force her fears to the back of her head and focus on her day. Not that that was any less stressful, the aptitude test, it was meant to tell her where she was destined to be, to tell her the plan for her entire life. She was scared that it would tell her to leave all that she had known be more scared it would tell her that this was all she would ever amount to.
She focus on her short breaths on the thumps of her feet and the beads of sweat on her brow. She forced her legs forward, quicker and quicker as though if she ran fast enough she would escape her life. All too quickly she arrived at the school and reality came crashing in.

The first half of her day went quicker than usual as she willed it to take longer. After lunch she was meant to wait until escorted to a designated room.

Her heart was pumping and her hands clammy and she was lead down the corridor. She couldn't think, couldn't focus on anything other than walking. Her volunteer chaperone came to a stop at on of the plain door and wished her a brief good luck before disappearing off. The rooms where always there in the school but only used twice a year we added fear and excitement as Eleanor's curiosity appeared from the deep fear of the unknown.
She pushed the handle down and with a deep breath took a step in to the room.

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