Chapter 4: Date Night--or is it?

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Waverly wakes to the smell of pancakes cooking. Mom must be awake! She rushes out of bed, brown hair in a mess from her pillow, t-shirt all twisted, and yesterday's eyeliner smudged ever so slightly.

"Do I smell pancakes?" She exclaims, rushing down the stairs.

"You tell me," Her mother sets a plate of steaming golden circles on the table, accompanied by a fresh cup of coffee and hot syrup.

"Mom, this is amazing." She says with eyes glued on the table. Quickly sitting in the chair, the bed-headed brunette digs in.

Her mother soon sits across from her with a plate of her own. They talk about how work went last night, since she was far too tired to talk when she got home. Waverly tells her mother about her plans for tonight.

She got the text last night about what time the showing was, though Brooke wouldn't tell her the movie. Normally this would alarm Waverly, but they've been talking for a couple weeks now and seem to have a surprisingly good friendship. Julie seems very excited to hear her daughter hanging out with someone new.

"So," the mother leans forward. "I have to ask, is this like a date?"

Nearly choking, Waverly bursts out laughing and heat races up to her cheeks. "Oh, my gosh, Mom, no. We're just friends. I'm pretty sure she's straight." Her gaze returns to the pancakes that didn't make her think about going on a date Brooke.

"Okay, okay," She leans back in her chair. "I had to ask. Nonetheless, I look forward to hearing about it." She smiles and they both return to quietly eating and making small talk. Julie will be spending the day cleaning up the house, as she does every weekend and watching romantic comedies with Jeremy. That cat gets all kind of television watching on a regular basis, though he sleeps through everything.

After breakfast, Waverly volunteers to do the dishes and then rushes upstairs to shower. She needs to be dressed and ready to go at 5, which is in like six hours, but still. It never hurts to get a head start.


Brooke opens her eyes to strands of blonde hair crowding her view. Pushing all that aside with her hands, she reaches over to check her phone for the time. It's just after 12 pm and the house is silent; her parents must have gone out already.

Without really being concerned with her parents' whereabouts, Brooke sits up and looks at herself in the mirror across from the bed. Her hair is a complete mess, even some of it sticking straight up. Her bright pink lipstick is smudged down the right side of her mouth, and don't even start with the mascara. It is obvious what she was doing last night. There was a huge post-game party with all the football players and the cheerleaders. Hell, even the marching band was invited. Scott, one of Jason's football friends, owns a huge house just outside of town and his parents were out of town for something, Brooke can't remember the details.

Last night comes back in pieces: loud music, dancing on tables with Stacy, making out with Jason on the couch next to a few other couples, and of course taking way too many shots. Brooke's phone rings, nearly shattering her delicate ear drums. Without reading the caller ID, she selects answer and mutters a groggy hello.

"Brooke?" It's her mother. Shit.

Covering the microphone part of the phone, she clears her throat and tries again. "Hey, Mom, how goes it?" She says with a false awake tone, holding her other hand to her head.

"Good, your father and I are at Jimmy's, discussing options for your brother," The brother groans at their mother from the other end of the phone. Brooke zones out. "Anyway, we'll be here a while. Love you." The phone hangs up.

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