Chapter 1: Auditions

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"Minsae, seriously. You should be auditioning for one of the entertainment companies with your dance skills. You could kick some serious ass." Sohjae, one of my dance instructors, tells me for what feels like the millionth time since I met her.

"We've been over this a million times, Jae. I'm not auditioning for some stupid entertainment company. It's not what I want to do and you know that." I remind her after I've finished dancing to the music that was playing. She sighs, shaking her head at me.

"You know, I really don't understand you sometimes. You've got a beautiful voice. You're an amazing dancer. You could actually go really far in the entertainment industry. You'd have the perfect personality and will power to actually be extremely successful too." She says with a small frown. I merely shrug as I take a drink from my water bottle that I've got with me.

"It's just not me, Jae. I only want to go as far as having my own dance studio." I respond, running a hand through my hair as I toss the water bottle back on top of my bag.

"You truly are a strange one, Minsae. So many people would kill for your talent to get into the industry. Anyways, let's see one more and then we'll be done for the day. I want to see what you were able to come up with for that last song I gave you." She answers, flipping the song on.

I just nod in response and get in my starting position, waiting for the music to play.

Sohjae POV

I know she's going to hate me for this, but I can't let her talent go to waste. She's had something off about her since she got here almost three years ago now. Something off in her mindset. But she's perfect for the industry and whether she believes it or not, she's going to go far.

Pressing play on the music, I begin recording her. I generally record at least two of the dances that she shows me each week as I've got to send them in for her grades for a couple of her classes. Thankfully, that's been the case because otherwise she'd find me recording right now to be odd.

Much to my own luck, she even ends up singing along to the song that's playing, Monster by EXO. It's an older song of theirs but I knew it'd be perfect for her style and she pulls it off flawlessly.

When she's finished, I give her a smile and nod my head. Grabbing my things, I walk out of the room knowing that she'll end up staying in there a while longer just to dance around despite being done for the day.

Heading off to my office here at the college, I can't help my smile as I take a seat at my desk. Pulling up my laptop, I download the video of her dance that I'd just taken before composing an email.

Please review this video with great care. This is one of my students, and I'm sending this in on their behalf for the auditions that you've been hosting. Please take her into consideration. She's my hardest worker, and holds more talent and potential than what I've seen in years. I hope you'll consider taking her on as a trainee at your company.

With that being the body of the email, I attach the video of her dance and sign it with 'Best Regards' before sending it off to people that's high up in some of the entertainment companies.

Hopefully this will go well. She deserves to have her talent recognized by more people than just myself. She may hate me in the moment when she finds out what I've done, but I know it'll be worth it in the end. Minsae, please don't hate me too much.

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