Chapter 6: Hidden Weak Moments

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Looking around me, I find myself on a stage in front of everyone from high school and my family. My brother and SORRY are in the front row, all eyes on me.

Swallowing hard, I look around myself on stage to find that I'm completely alone. What's going on? Why am I on stage alone? Why are they all here?

Taking a deep breath, I lift the microphone in my hand up to my face as the music begins to play. Singing and dancing and rapping to the music, I recall it to be the last piece that I'd performed for Manager Nim when he'd asked to see how well I was improving.

Though, I don't get halfway through it before everyone in the crowd begins booing. Stopping everything I'm doing, I look out at the crowd. Look out to my family who all wear looks of disgust and disappointment. Look out to my brother who's simply glaring at me, rolling his eyes and shaking his head before walking away and disappearing into the crowd. Look out to the girls who wear looks of surprise. Surprise of how terrible it all is.

Looking down at myself, even I'm disgusted. I can hear all of the shit that everyone's shouting. About my weight. About my looks. About my voice. About my dancing.

Shaking my head, I drop the mic and walk off stage. Going off by the left wing, I find myself trapped back in high school. My eyes widen when I realize it's where I'm at, surrounded by the all too familiar popular girls and jocks.

Jolting awake with wide teary eyes, I feel myself fall from the couch. However, I ignore the pain as I curl myself into a ball, one hand clenched at the collar of my shirt as the tears just flow.

"Minsae? Minsae, are you okay?" I hear Jungkook's voice call softly before I hear the quick padding of his feet against the floor.

Jungkook POV

I snap awake when I hear a loud thud. The boys may think that I'm the heaviest sleeper in the world since it's hard to wake me up, but I'm probably the lightest sleeper out of all of us.

Standing up with a frown on my face, I go over to my door and peak my head out into the hallway. Looking around in the dark, I don't see anyone in the hallway or anything. Though, I can hear struggled breathing which deepens my frown. Stepping out into the hall and looking down towards the couch, I'm surprised when I don't see Minsae's figure lying there.

"Minsae?" I call quietly. I know she's the lightest sleeper out of everyone here, but there's no response. Walking a little further down the hallway as I watch for some sign of where she could be, I soon realize she's on the floor in front of the couch.

"Minsae, are you okay?" I ask worriedly as I quicken my pace to hurry over to her.

She doesn't answer and when I reach her, she's got one hand clenched at the collar of her tee shirt with the other around her stomach as she lays curled up in a ball. Watching her with worry, I pull her upright before picking her up and setting her in my lap.

Gently, I work to release her tight grip on her shirt as I whisper comforting things in her ear and shush her.

"Shhh. Calm down, Minsae. It's okay. It's alright. It was just a dream. It wasn't real. Shhh. Calm down. It's okay. You're okay now." I whisper softly as I slowly manage to get her to let go of her shirt.

By the time I've gotten her grip on her shirt and her grip around her stomach completely freed, she just starts crying harder. Holding onto her tightly, she turns her upper body towards me as she wraps her arms around my waist and buries her face into the crook of my neck.

Holding her there and rubbing her back gently, I can feel my own heart breaking. Whatever that dream was about clearly took its toll on her, and it just kills me to have her here sobbing like she is.

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