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Montague was called up to Dumbledore's office the next day. There were whispers that he had gotten in massive trouble, but each student had their own version of what his punishment was. Some people said he just had a few days of detention, while others spoke about him being outright expelled. These rumours were fuelled when he didn't attend morning classes at all, but he turned up at lunchtime, and the general disappointed mutter was now that he had to help Filch clean up the castle in preparation for the Tasks.

Callisto was just relieved it was over, even if strange stuff like Fleur Delacour talking to her happened. "You are 'is cousin?" She asked, blinking her big blue eyes. "Zee boy 'e was talking about?"

"Um. Yes."

"Eet is disgusting," she said in distaste. "Thengs like that, zey make me angry. I am glad 'e got in trouble."

She glared darkly at Montague, and Callisto wished her good luck for the first task that Saturday before she left.

She received a letter from Narcissa the day after. Draco had clearly told her what had happened.

Oh Callisto, I'm so sorry. I hope that horrible boy was punished, or Dumbledore will be hearing from me.

Draco has told me you've made friends with some girls, and I couldn't tell you how delighted I am.

Be happy, my darling.

Love from Mother, xxxxxxxxxxx

She had even kissed the parchment, leaving a big red lipstick print.

Sarafina raised her eyebrows. "Is that from your mother?"

"Yes," Callisto said, blushing as she quickly folded the letter. Her mother was always affectionate, especially because her own had never been. Callisto didn't know her grandmother very well, but stiff visits had spoken the truth. "She....she's affectionate like that."

"I think it's sweet," Louisa said unexpectedly.

Callisto was finding that was warming to them both, even if they had been bossy at first. She was delighted she had friends, though, even if she had to be awkward about the bathroom situation and such things. Adele had asked if she was a camel, since she never had to use the bathroom, and she'd blushed bright red.

It was raining against the windows of the library, the drops tapping against the glass. It was evening, but the library was still full of people, mostly girls as Viktor Krum was lurking around the Potions section.

There were some boys over by the window, Jaron Travers and some others, both Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Callisto got on with her homework, but couldn't help but glance at him, and saw to her surprise that he was glancing back, a little smile on his lips. Was he laughing at her? Suddenly panicked, she looked back down at her History of Magic notes, cheeks warm. It was only a few minutes later that she dared to look up again. He was busy talking to his friends, but must have felt her gaze, because he gave that crooked smile to her again. Callisto chided herself for the butterflies that erupted in her stomach, and got on with her work, but soon somebody stopped in front of the desk. Jaron.

"Hey," he said, smiling. "I know this is weird, but l - I noticed you staring at me. I hope you weren't too unnerved by me."

"Oh!" She said. "Oh no, not at all."

She was wary, putting down her quill. "I mean....I wondered why."

He ran his hands through his hair. "Merlin, this is so awkward, I'm being totally awkward, aren't I? I mean - oh wow, this is embarrassing -"

Callisto laughed, her wariness gone. It seemed unreal that Jaron Travers - the Jaron Travers - was actually talking to her, and not only that, but he was getting flustered. "It's not awkward. Go on."

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