Chapter One

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I walk up to the wooden door. 221B it reads. My heart beats faster as my fist makes contact with it as I knock 3 times. I have been waiting for this moment my entire life.

I wait for someone to answer and after a few seconds I hear shuffling coming from inside. A woman who looks to be in her mid-50s opens the door and examines me. Her facial expression tells me that she doesn't get teens knocking on her door very often.

"Can I help you?" She asks in a sweet, British accent and smiles.

"Yes, I'm looking for a Mr. Sherlock Holmes, you wouldn't happen to know him, would you?" I ask.

"Oh yes!" she answers. "Come in, come in, he's right up those stairs!" she says, opening the door wider and pointing to a staircase.

"Thank you" I say as I slide past her and go up the staircase and reach a door.

I excitedly knock on the door, in hopes that my father will welcome me with open arms. I hear footsteps from inside and finally a short man with dirty blonde hair answers.

"Can I help you?" The man says, looking grumpy.

"Sorry to intrude but is Mr. Holmes here?" I ask, trying to keep calm. He opens the door a little wider and gestures for me to come in.

"He's in the kitchen." He says, rubbing his tired eyes.

"Thank you. And I'm terribly sorry for waking you." I walk into the messy flat and see a man with curly black hair looking into a microscope. I cough.

"What?" He says in a slightly annoyed tone, then looks up and sees me. "Oh, hello. Who are you?" He then adds.

"Oh you know, just the usual. Your daughter."

The Daughter of a Consulting DetectiveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz