Chapter Two

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"Oh, ok." He replies and goes back to his microscope.

I sense someone is behind me and quickly turn around to see the man who answered the door as wide-eyed as could be.

"Erm.. Hello, I'm John. John Watson." He stutters, reaching his hand out for me to shake.

"Sally. I assume you can figure out my last name from the information I have just given." I say and shake his hand.

"Sherlock.." John says as he looks towards my father.

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself? Or say anything?"

Sherlock looks up. "I think it's obvious she already knows who I am and I now know who she is so what's the point in making silly little conversation?" He says.

"She's your daughter, Sherlock!" John yells.

"Wow amazing I would've never known that John! Thanks for telling me!" Sherlock says sarcastically.

"John, it's fine. I mean I have no right to barge in here out of nowhere and expect him to be welcoming. I should just go-" I say, before John interrupts me.

"No, you aren't going anywhere. You are going to stay with us. There's an extra bedroom down the hall to the left. Go ahead and make yourself at home." John says, slightly smiling.

"I'm going to have a quick talk with your... father... about things."

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