Chapter 2

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Lori walks into school with her black beanie on her head and black backpack hanging off her shoulders.

She's wearing a black and white flannel with a black tanktop and grey jeans.

"Look all black is there a funeral or something?" She hears jockstrap aka Brandon says.

"Yeah actually for that weak ass insult , better try next time huh jockstrap?" She says back giving him the middle finger. Turning around she bumps into someone.

"Sorry" She says quickly helping the person up. "Oh Emma hey "

"Hi Lor " Emma says looking up at Lori with a sweet smile.

"Hi , how are you?" Lori says smiling down at Emma

"I'm great I'm looking forward to tonight actually" Emma says grabbing Lori's fingers.

"Me too" Lori says nervously shoving her hands in her pocket then she suddenly gets shoved. She hits the floor with a grunt.

"Oh hey Emma is this hobo bothering you?" Brandon says winking at her as he steps over Lori.

Emma rolls her eyes going over to Lori helping her up. "No so back off and leave her alone"

Lori adjust her beanie and dust off her clothes , glaring at Brandon "Look jockstrap i don't want any trouble so could you just back the hell off"

He chuckles crossing his arms "oh yeah? what are you going to do about it? Homo" he chuckles.

Lori sees red as he says the slur , she balls up her fist taking a step towards him. "What did you just say?"

Brandon laughs looking her up and down "i called you a homo"

Emma speaks up angrily "why don't you just shut up leave her alone , jockstrap!"

Lori shakes her head squeezing her fist so tight her knuckles are turning white "Don't call me a fucking Homo! Just leave and we'll have no problem"

Brandon looks at the crowd that's forming in the hallway. "Whatever , Homo!"

Lori snaps as she steps forward grabbing Brandon by the collar and slamming him agaisnt the locker making a loud whack.

"Lori!" Emma jumps in shock looking at Lori. She sees the girl fuming.

"Lori!" She hears her friends call for her as they run up to her. "What the hell is going on?"

Lori doesn't look at them she stares into Brandon's eyes not breaking any eye contact making Brandon nervous.

"He called me a homo , i warned him" Lori says raising her fist.

"Lori just calm down , he's not worth it. he's an idiot jockstrap super senior don't give him the time of day" Emma says grabbing Lori's hand.

Lori looks at Emma staring into her beautiful , loving, green eyes , doe eyes.

"Come on we can't go out on our date if you get in trouble" Emma says pulling Lori back.

"You're going on a date with this trash?" Brandon says in disbelief.

"Shit" Anthony mutters as he sees the way Lori's head turns to Brandon so fast with fire behind her eyes.

Lori steps forward quickly , she cocks her fist back and WHAM.

Her fist connects with the locker right next to Brandon's face. His eyes still closed his breath is shaky.

Lori let's him go as he slides to the floor. "Just leave me alone." She says running out of the school doors.

"Lori wait!"

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