Pakistan is Rendezvous for Muslim Ummah during the Greatest War of Mankind

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Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-rahim. Assalammu'alaykum.

Here, we are going to explain why Pakistan will be the gathering place of all the Muslim powers during the Greatest War of Mankind or al-Malhamah al-Kubra. We will also explain why the coming of undefeatable black fighter jets of Pakistan will be the sign of the rise of Muslim Ummah in near future.

First, we will explain that the promised land is NOT Khurasan like most people assume, but PAKISTAN.

First, we will explain that the promised land is NOT Khurasan like most people assume, but PAKISTAN

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Above is a mauquf hadith (taken from the saying of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)'s companions). If you read the original Arabic letters of this hadith and compare them with the English translation already circulated around, then clearly you will realize that the hadith is not talking about Khurasan at all. In this Arabic hadith compiled in Mustadrak al-Hakim, hadith no: 8578, it was written: "QABL KHURASAN" which means "BEYOND KHURASAN".

This is the INCORRECT translation: Thawban RA said that Rasulullah (ﷺ) said, "If you see the black standards coming from Khurasan then go there even if you have to crawl because there is the Khalifah of Allah, the Mahdi." [Mustadrak al-Hakim hadith no: 8578, Behaqi in Dalail an-Nabuwwah 6/516]

Meanwhile in another hadith, it was written in its original Arabic letters as "QIBAL AL-MUSHRIQ". The word al-Mushriq means east but there is the word qibal prior to it, thus combined, they create a meaning of "TOWARDS THE DIRECTION OF EAST" a.k.a. "NEXT TO THE EAST".

Below is the hadith we are talking about:

        This is the INCORRECT translation: Rasulullah (ﷺ) said, 'Three will fight one another for your treasure (Ka'bah), each one of them the son of a caliph, but none of them will gain it

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This is the INCORRECT translation: Rasulullah (ﷺ) said, 'Three will fight one another for your treasure (Ka'bah), each one of them the son of a caliph, but none of them will gain it. Then the black standards will be rising from the east, and they will kill you in an unprecedented manner.' Then he (ﷺ) mentioned something that I do not remember, then he (ﷺ) said: 'When you see them, then pledge your allegiance to them even if you have to crawl over the snow, for that is the caliph of Allah, Mahdi.' [Sunan Ibn Majah in Kitabul Fitan, Khuruj al-Mahdi 2:1467, Mustadrak al-Hakim 4:463-464. He said, 'This is a sahih hadith according to Syaikhain requirements'. This saying of Hakim is agreed by adz-Dzahabi, Ibn Katsir said, 'This is a strong isnad and sahih'.]

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