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if you havent read the description, ill have you know that this is on some 13 reasons why shit. maybe not as extreme but its kinda gorey in some chapters. ill put this bold authors note on each chapter that has it!

it was obvious that this kid was from here.

i watched from my apartment in times square, there was an entertaining group of kids and two adults walking around in yellow shirts. the only one who seemed to know where to go was a boy with an out-of-place blue hoodie around his waist, and poofy black hair.

he looked like he was laughing at the rest of his little camp group, who looked around at the city in awe.

hold on... i was spotted by a girl with bright, turquoise hair. she waved up at me. fuck.

i ducked down from my spot at the window, heart racing. i dont even know why im so paranoid, maybe its the fact that i have bloody hands and theyll think ill try to hurt them next.

but im the only person id ever want to hurt.

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