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sorry for the hecka long wait. ive been focusing on school for a while but theres going to be 2 updates each day on a weekend for yall. :)


two days later, max hasnt called me. not once.

i decided not to keep trying to call him after thirteen tries the day after... the incident...

but i did use this time for good reasons, like summer homework and online shopping. the clothes were pretty plain to say the least, and if anything - the best to describe them is 'connor becoming a deviant.'

basically a couple of beanies, sweatshirts and mom jeans. some boxes of clothes came in and fit perfectly on my body (at least thats what my friends say), so i decided to keep them for the next possibly three years of my life. at least if i dont gain or lose any weight drastically.

c/n was sleeping on my pillow the day i got home from a long walk on the boardwalk. so, no napping i guess.

i look around my room once more, and its as messy as ever. my yamaha keyboard turned into a shelf for school work, the back corner of my room is just filled with dirty clothes and my dresser isnt organized at all. dont even get me started on the bottom of my bed. thats another dimension.

i scanned across my room once more, deciding it would be best if i cleaned. maybe it could be like "a new beginning," as people say. well, here we go.

i picked up a rotten apple from under the bed. this was going to be a long day.


halfway done with my room, i hear my phone ring. my instant reaction was to check if it was max, but to my disappointment it was my friend, milana.

"hello?" i ask into the phone, receiving a small "hey" back. "so what's up?" i wondered aloud, the response going from my end to hers.

"um, so,  i have an idea for today. alice and michael are free for the most part, so are you able to hang out with us?" i sigh at this, knowing i wont be able to. not only because of my room, but also because i just didnt want to go. i wanted to see if max was possibly available... if he would call me.


"done!" i cheered loudly. i found out that half of the stuff i have in my drawers doesn't even fit e anymore, so i had to give that away. i wiped my brow and heard a message notification.

i picked up the phone, and my heart skipped a beat when i saw the name.


i smiled, relief washing over me. at least he was alive and remembered i existed. the message said, 'hey. so uh, sorry for not talking to u. lots of shit has been on my mind and i saw my cousin the other day and we got into a fight. im ok tho. hows life'

i message back. 'life sucks. im glad youre alright. so when are you coming down to brooklyn before you leave?'

there isnt a response for a while, but i choose not to bother him.

i flop down on my now fixed bed, and scream into the pillow.

im in love with someone ive glanced at once.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2018 ⏰

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