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i ended up falling asleep, and when i woke up to check my phone it was 7:08pm with six missed calls from max.

i groaned, and noticed that c/n was still on my chest. i calmed a little bit, but sighed and called max.

after the second ring, he answered.

"hey," he says. i smile at his voice.

"hi. were you worried about me or something?" i chuckle, petting c/n.

"a little. i noticed your bloody arm the first time i saw you. was that even blood or-" i cut him off.

"i had a bad nosebleed," i say. there was about five seconds of silence before max finally replied.

"alright. i was only calling you to let you know i only have a week left here, you know, in manhattan. im just wondering if we could like... hang out, or something," i could almost hear the blush in his voice.

"u-um, well, right now im in brooklyn with my mom and the next time i see my dad will most likely be in about two days so... i-i guess," i fiddle with my bandage a bit, before letting go of my arm and placing it back at my sides.

"your parents are divorced, im assuming?" he asks. i nod, and realize he cant see me.

"um, yeah. when i was five. it took a toll on my mental health for a bit, but im fine now," i lied. max sighs, and theres some yelling in the background. i hear max say something about 'nikki got stuck in the toilet again,' and some more shouting.

"im gonna have to let you go. my stupid camp is - no, what the fuck! stop, thats mine you idiot!" max hangs up.

i smile and shake my head, the image of his face from a distance popping into my head. i cant possibly be developing a crush on someone i havent even met yet, thats wrong.

c/n suddenly wakes up, ears perked up. his tail is a bit fluffed, but then when he makes eye contact with me, he calms.

"hey kitty, youre awake now, huh?" i say, petting his soft fur.

he gets up, his paws and his weight all on my breasts. well, that fucking hurts.

"ow, ow, ow!" i pick him up from my chest, the feeling of the weight gone, but lingering. i sit up with him still in my arms, and i place him by the foot of my bed.

"what do you think about this kid?" i ask him, as his bored eyes wander around the room. he lays his head into his arms and closes his eyes for a few seconds before opening them and looking at me with enlarged pupils. his paw makes its way to my knee, pawing three times and blinking slowly.

"im not exactly sure what you mean by that, but im assuming its a good thing," i smile once more, and lay back into my bed, now noticing the plate of f/f on my piano seat by my side. still hot, so i guess someone made it for me just recently.

sitting back up, i bring the food to my lap and begin to eat, keeping in mind that now im friends with someone ive never met before.

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