All the same

44 8 0

Your lips crashed my cheeks,

The cheeks that are now flooded,

Swelling up with tears,

Remembering the memories that have faded.

There are times I cry,

But this time was different,

A tear slid down the cheek you kissed,

It was the most painful but I kept it silent.

One second I look into your eyes,

The next second I shed tears,

Knowing the blind truth,

That crumples up my fears.

Every day we walk past each other,

I have to pretend I’m fine,

Remembering how you left us there,

How you aren’t and never will be mine.

Every night I fall asleep thinking about you,

The next morning it’s all the same,

Same old me struggling to get over you,

But knowing when I do there will be no aim. 

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