Chapter 8

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"GET OUT OF THE CAR, HANDS UP," two, what I'm guessing we're guards, stood outside the fence holding some pretty scary guns.

Tucker and I slowly inched our ways out of the car, scared of making any sudden movements. I glanced over at Tucker though and he had a huge smile on his face. He had need right all along, there was a safe zone, and this was it.

"State your name," him first, one of the guards said nodding towards Tucker.

"Tucker Harding," he said a smile still plastered on his face.

"And you," the guard said looking at me expectantly.

"Eleanor Martin," I spoke up.

Finally the guards cracked a smile, "Well Tucker and Elea-"

I cut him off, "Ellie."

He began again, "Ellie haha, welcome to Wimberly."

The door behind them slowly creeped open, as if on que. They must've hit a button or something when I wasn't looking, that's great, already putting my guard down.

"Someone will meet you inside."

As if she had been waiting for us a short and perky blonde popped out at us as soon as we were inside and the door began to shut. Leo bounced happily in my arms, probably from seeing so many people.

"I'm beth." She thrusted her hand out and Tucker and I introduced ourselves for the second time that day, but this time we weren't forced too at gunpoint.

"This was one of the safe zones set up at the beginning of the outbreak, and as far as we know, the only one still standing. We have 220, now 222 people here, and every one of them had a job and place in this community. And if you want to be apart of it, you'll work for it." She got serious all of a sudden and then broke out into another smile.

"Y'all have been out there for a while yes?"

We nodded.

"Great, you'll probably be sent on scavenges then. Are y'all okay with living together? Cause I have the greatest little house for y'all."

She didn't even let us answer before bursting into a small house, "here it is," she said swinging her arms around like a crazy people. I could tell she was a hyper person.

"It's perfect," Tucker said plopping down on a coach in the living room.

"Okay, there's working showers, showers have to be 3 minute per person. And then after, come down to the center of town and we'll get y'all all situated."

She left the house and me and Tucker smiled at each other. I didn't know how the showers worked and honestly I didn't care. All I cared about was that I was gonna get months of grime off of me.

Tucker and I showered, I have to admit that we both took longer than we should have, and changed into fresh clothes that Beth had dropped off for us. I even gave Leo a little washing, he looked even cuter with all of the blood off of him, and he had really enjoyed the warm water.

Tucker's shirt was a size too small and my jeans were a size too big but all in all, they worked.

Beth had given us directions to the center of town and we found it easily opting to leave a sleepy Leo snoring once couch, it was so weird being in civilization again.

Tucker and I had decided that we would ask for the leader or governor or whoever ran this place and tell them about the cure.

When we got the the center of town it seemed like everyone who lived in this place was there.

There was little infirmary in a corner packed with medical supplies, and a couple of tables piled high with food. People with clipboards stood behind it rationing out everything for the crowd.

I spotted Beth and Tucker and I ran up to her. "So we never asked, who is your leader?"

"Oh his name is david, he's super great. He lives right there," she said pointing to a house that wasn't much bigger than mine and Tucker's.

"Okay we'll be right back," I said smiling at Beth.

We walked over to the house and knocked gently. "Anyone there," Tucker yelled peering through a side window.

An old man appeared at the door and minute later. "What do you kids need?"

His hair was white and he was wearing wire rimmed glasses that he constantly adjusted.

"We need to tell you something, it's important," Tucker told him. I guess he could sense the importance of the situation cause he ushered is into his house and on the couch right away.

He sat across from us on a chair and peered at us through his glasses, "what's happening?"

So we told him, everything. And he listened without stopping us, and surprisingly he believed our story. Saying it aloud made it seem even crazier.

Tears of happiness came to his eyes "We need to get people searching right away, do you know where he lived?" David asked.

"No idea, honestly we just thought we could send out groups and maybe search a couple of houses a day until we find it? I know it's a long shot." I said.

"No, no, it's a good idea, it's our only idea. I'm going to make an announcement tonight and get some stuff arranged and we'll start tomorrow."

Tomorrow. It seemed so close, but so far away.

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