My Angel of Hope

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Waiting for my day to end.

Hoping for my wounds to mend.

Praying to the gods above.

To show me the meaning of love.

To make me smile again.

For you to take away the pain.

To smile in the face of death

To love you till my very last breath.

So that the heavens can sigh and rest.

For angels to confront the best.

The spirit of hope elphis.

Confess my sins in luie of bliss.

For every time my angel smiles.

Her Spirit drives away demons vile.

And for every step my soul takes.

My heart with fear shakes.

But with every little magic she makes.

She makes sure my spirit never breaks.

So this first poem in this collection i hope you like it. I will be posting more soon. Please do vote and comment. 

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