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I walked down the alley towards the dead end, searching for a payphone, My mom would kill me if she knew I wasnt at my friend's house. I took a wrong step and heard my heel snap under me, I looked down groaning in annoyance.

"Oh come on." I whispered, sliding the shoe off of my foot and throwing it down in the street. I heard a small, rumbling noise; thunder. It got louder and louder, as the air started to get muggy. I threw my head back and moaned as it began to pour down as if a minitature tsuami had hit. Rain poured down my arms and legs, soaking my clothes and ruining my makeup. I wiped away the makeup with my sleeve; Trying to use my other arm as an umbrella. I was so dead, and I knew it. I looked around the empty street, it was dark; maybe even a little scary, I trembled, biting my lip. I had no idea what to do. All of a sudden the rain calmed, to only a soft comforting drizzle. I sighed, then started to cry. I didnt want my mom to find out I'd gone to a party with Jace, My boyfriend. He was in highschool, and got into trouble a lot. My parents hated him, but Jace made me feel cool. He made me feel older. We got to the party, that's when the fight started. He wanted to go up to the bedroom alone, but I knew what he really wanted. I was scared, and clueless. I said no. Jace dumped right then and there. I decided to try to walk home and sneak back in through the backdoor. My plan had failed. I was lost.  I sat down in the rain and the mud, letting sobs escape my mouth. I didnt want to be here! I wanted to be at home in my own warm bed! I felt so vulnerable, so unprotected.

"Why must you cry so little one?" A deep, velvety  voice called out over the patter of the rain. I looked up, seeing a man dressed in all black: A black business suit, with a dark purple tie. He had his hair slicked back, revealing his long, pale forehead.  His voice sent chills down my spine, his eyes made my heart beat excelerate. They were a bright, green. They looked unnatural, as if he'd stared into a volcanic fizzure. His face was carved from glass, his sqauted beside me, with a movement so feline- like, so inhuman. I was filled with fear.

"P-please. Dont hurt me." I begged, my whole body shaking in fear. His face was filled with pity, maybe even remorse.

"I wont promise that I wont hurt you, but after I am through noone normal will ever be capable." He awnsered, his powerful eyes burning into mine.

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