"Christabel!" Mariella shouting over the screaming bass, slamming down a second empty glass on the table top. I squinted through the smoke and strobe lights, guffawing nonstop. I knew I was drunk, I could feel it. It was normal, though, After five drinks and four shots. The alchohol taste in my mouth suddenly turned bitter. My stomach twisted with painful force, making it suddenly hard to breathe. I gagged loudly, bending my head down to the floor, attempting to isolate any future mess. I held onto the table with one hand, holding onto the edge of my seat with only one buttock.

"Chris? Chris? Are you okay?" Mariella shook me vehemenently. Sunlight shone through the faded blue curtains on the far wall, casting a stark illumination to the almost dark room. My hand went up to the back of my head. A pounding, throbbing pain seemed to radiate from inside me. I looked around. Seeing the wicker staircase, winding up the wall, the white and brown Mantle, the sliding glass doors that led to a veranda, out looking a plush garden filled with rosebushes and lemon trees. I was at the Black's boarding house, in the front room. I attempted to lift myself up, but Mariella pushed my body back down again, less gentle than needed. I sighed as I felt the comforting cushion on my aching back.

"Where's Kate and Analeigh?" I asked, fading fast into a light sleepy state. I could barely keep my eyes open. Mariella plopped down on the arm chair beside the couch where I layed. Kicking her feet up on the coffee table placed in the very middle, to accomadate to Kate's tastes maybe, she let out a soft breathe and replied uninterestedly.

"Well, Kate went to find Ben and Analeigh is at the grocery store, fetching some things. I guess they've just been busy these passed days..life...normal life you know." I bit back anger until I tasted blood on my tongue.

"Mariella...They don't have a normal life. It's not like living normal was my choice to make. You're a hunter for god's sake! You took the oath! You must know the sacrifices we have to make everyday in order to survive! That includes living normal, so don't tell me..-" I paused, holding my throbbing forehead, not sure how my rant started or how to finish it, I silenced, leaving Mariella to glare. I pressed my lips into a hard, thin line, to keep from breaking the almost awkward silence between us. I waiting for her to break it instead. She lifted her feet from the coffee table, placing them firmly and the floor, then pushed herself up from the chair. I'd realized I had irked her in the worst way imagined, Not finishing my sentence. She was left with that one smidge of my thoughts and she hated it. I tried to hard to hide my laughter, but then failing after she'd exited the room. I had to stop mid - laugh, due to my condition.

"Mariella..dont get so mad at me..you're so hilarious when you rant around like that!" But Mariella had already left. I chuckled, searching for my cell. "Damn...that bitch." I whispered when i came up empty. She'd stolen my phone....

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