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Songs For This Chapter:

Crown The Empire - Lead Me Out Of The Dark

Jagwar Ma - Uncertainty (This song is my jam, but doesn't really have much to do with the chapter. The video's fucking weird. Sorry. Enjoy!)

Seeya - Deadmau5

-Andy's POV-

"I don't even know what to get any of them," Courtney mumbled, looking through a rack of clothing and sighing melodramatically. You see, she was obviously taking this a million times better than I was. She was just casually searching through items that could possibly look good or the boys might actually enjoy whereas I was sitting on a couch near the clothing section hyperventilating. I didn't even want to go, that was the thing. I just seriously didn't want to turn Matty down because we'd kissed and gotten further than any other man I've been on a date with (besides Ben, obviously) and its was just so confusing with him. My eyes darted up to meet Courtney's golden iris and I gritted my teeth.

"Youdon't know what to get them? At least you're looking through clothing racks, actually trying to get them a gift whereas I'm here having a mini panic attack."

Court rolled her eyes, dropping whatever she had in her hands and coming over to me, seating herself delicately beside me. "Look," she started, placing a cold hand on my shoulder, "you're just worrying too much. All you have to do is think of what you'd like to see them in and I promise you, it works almost every time."

"That wasn't my point," I muttered, hoping she wouldn't hear it. Courtney just giggled and poked me in the cheek.

"I know."

I sighed, too dramatically for my liking, and rested my head in my hands. "I'm being serious, Court," I grumbled, finding my words muffled due to my hands being in the way, "what am I going to do? He doesn't even know about Ben yet."

"Fuck Ben," Court mumbled, almost under her breath but I knew she'd meant for me to hear it. I raised my head slightly, so my eye could peek just over the tip of my finger, and scowled. She just shrugged and continued shopping.

"Look, Courtney, I haven't seen Matty since that night where we kissed. I've barely talked to him. Everything just went downhill from there, everything. And I don't want to be around when whatever friendship we built comes tumbling down."

Courtney frowned, draping whatever jumper she'd picked out, which looked quite suitable for George, over the top of a few hangers and coming back to face me. This time, I stead of sitting beside me, she knelt on her heels in front of me. "Look," Court started, her voice a low tone as she took my cold hands in hers, watching as I let them fall away from my face, "it doesn't matter that you kissedhim. Do you honestly think, while he's been all over the world with his girlfriend, that he's given that kiss one thought? It was an honest accident and he knows that. So why can't you just accept the fact that maybe, it doesn't mean anything?"

"So, then why'd it happen?" I shot back, a deeper scowl setting in my face, causing deep creases to form on my face. She didn't respond, only pursed her lips and let go of my hands, patting them as she got up and walked away. "Courtney!"

She didn't answer me, only grabbed the sweater she'd put down and turned back around to me, holding the large sweater over her middle. "So, what do you think?" Her head bobbed down to the side to give it an almost sideways glance. "It'd fit George, wouldn't it?"

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