chapter 1 introduction

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 (please I am new at this so when the character is talking in his/her mind it will be in air quotes but when I as a newbie wanna pitch something in it will be in brackets such as this one)
                                                               Ace P. O. V

    "Hi my name is Ace Zanthos I am a commoner or in normal terms  a street rat.
I steal from the rich to help the poor including my self,

well what do you expect from an orphan who never saw his father and mother died when I was just 7years old.

My only friend was an elf, and according to the law I was not aloud to see her because elves were believed to be using their powers to kill humans,even if it wasn't real,

though she was the only person who understood my current situation her parents also died when she was young. Her name is Cybill". Ace come here my foster parent mother called me bringing me out of my taught. come here and help me get some stuff from the market she said.

                   I'm coming I yelled back receiving a slap in return yea that right I'm 28 and I'm still being treated like a servant after my parents died I was assigned to  the worst foster family in all the world the Danovace, my whole life I have being trying to escape from them, Strange right Danovace is my family name but I decided to stick with the name my parents gave me  Ace  she yelled again I'm coming ma.

       Yes what do you want I snap, hey that no way to talk to someone in a higher authority than you, you sorry excuse for a a child she snaps back, I was actually happy because she didn't say mother.
Go get me everything on this list and she gave me the list, the list was small and I had no idea why she can't send her lovely Beatrix   "my sister" do it, but then again I can Finally go and see Cybil the thought itself excites me. Okay where the money,here you go and make sure you don't get yourself into any trouble.

In elves kingdom,
Cybil POV
        Kathrine come here I called to my little sister. You've gotta catch me first you slow poke she shouts back climbing on a tree.
I leaped on the tree in hot pursuit, but she started jumping from tree to tree.  I followed jumping with her, when I saw her suddenly stop running And hid behind a bush staring at something in an awe way. She brought out her sword and started saying a chant I listened carefully and heard her saying the protective spell for demons. The realization struck we were at the border of the seal of the demons it was seriously cracked in one side. Then I saw a Lizard like creature with a hard bony back, scars from head to toe then I saw my sister fully prepared to battle she leaped and attacked it on the snout making it scream in a lot of pain


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2018 ⏰

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