Chapter 2

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“I remember the first conversation we had. It was when you waved at me on messenger…”

Flashback starts…

She was lounging in her room with her feet perched at the wall while listening to one of her favorite albums, Nine Track Mind by Charlie Puth.

She was chatting with her friends on their group chat, sending memes and just talking about the most random of things when a message came from an unexpected person.

Top is waving at you!

She squealed so loud. She couldn’t believe it. She thought Jake was only kidding when he said Top was asking for her cellphone number and Facebook account.

After doing a lot of jumping on her bed, she calmed herself and replied. She waved back and that’s how everything started.

Top asked her a lot of things, while she simply answered his questions. He was being flirty and so was she. They chatted until past midnight, knowing each other more and more.

"aren't you sleepy yet?" she asked.

"I will bever be sleepy when I'm talking to you. Hearing your voice makes my blood boil." He flirted.

"Stop it. I'm kinda sleepy so dont try and flirt with me." She responded.

"Let me sing you to sleep then."

And then he started singing ...

A dangerous plan, just this time
A stranger's hand clutched in mine
I'll take this chance so call me blind
I've been waiting all my life
Please dont scar this young heart
Just take my hand 🎶

"I didn't know you could sing sleepyhead" she wisphered sleepily.

"I have a secret."

"What is it?" she asked him, her voice coated with drowsiness

"I'm only singing for you." he replied.

"Stop flirting." but he only laughed at what she said.

It is indeed dangerous, whatever she is starting to feel.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2021 ⏰

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