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Esterbalk is home to a bunch of different species. From Demons to Humans to Elves and Dwarfs. From necromecs to gods. Esterbalk is home to all. Esterbalk is peaceful until the seven deadliest sins attack and wreaked havoc over the land. Spreading from person to person corrupting them with either Destruction, Jealously, Vanity, Need, Hunger, or Drowsiness. The gods of the land decided to contain the sins into 7 people who have committed these sins to the extent.

One left her species to die not because she despised them but because she was "too tired". She was given Sloth. One would brag about how rich and pretty she was every day. She was given Pride. One stole the most valuable item in Esterbalk, which was cursed, and went on to steal more valuable things, even though she had more than she needed. She was given Greed. One, out of curiosity, ate many humans, and even after that, devoured every mortal that her sister would allow. She was given Gluttony. One murdered the one she loved out of jealously that he fell in love with pride. Then fed him to her sister. She was given Envy. One seduce one hundred men in two days and "played" with them. She was given Lust.

Finally, the last one, she was given Wrath. Which fit her for her terrible sin. For whom was once called a mortal is now feared as a monster. She shown all the sins in her life, but she was given Wrath for one reason. Murdering a whole kingdom in a day. Now you may think this is impossible but it is not. With the help of a killing spell she murdered everyone in the kingdom. Even her precious king. Who, he thought she was loyal to him till the end. She made sure to kill off everyone he was related to first before using the spell. So he could be the last one she killed. And in the end, when it was just him and her, he still believed she didn't kill anyone until......
The King's eyes widened as he separated from the sweet kiss which now tasted more like venom. Blood slowly dripped from the corner of his mouth to the clean palace floor. Drip Drip. Was the sound the drops of blood made when they hit the ground. His back stung from the dagger that she had stabbed into him. She had a smiling grin on her face. Even though, he was dying of the hands of the woman he loves. He smiled back at her. His eyes still full of passion and love yet also betrayal, anger and hatred. Even in his last moments this man confused her. She leaned in for one last kiss as the king breathed his final breath and went limp in her arms. She stared at his lifeless body with no emotion. He was still smiling. She had a look of disgust as she stared at his smile. Then threw the body onto the floor. She stared at it even more than started giggling. Then the giggling turning into loud psychotic laughter. This lasted a couple of minutes until she calmed down and left to go to her room.

     How dare he corrupt me with these feelings. Luckily he's dead now. She thought as she packed up her things making sure that whatever she leaves won't give any clues to where she is going. As, she finished packing up she felt a sharp pain on the right side of her neck. She looked in the mirror to see a red symbol on her neck. A dragon biting its own tail. The mark of Wrath. She smiled. Then collected her things and left.

   Wrath became the most feared thing in all of Esterbalk after that. But now she had a new task. To find the other sins. She already knew where to look for the first two but couldn't help to stop at a bar along the way in Gilmore. She noticed five other people talking in the bar. Talking about her deed.

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