The all knowing

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Yuu Tendo was not a normal child. It was something his parents noticed rather quickly. Not like other kids, Yuu was very intelligent. While other kids were playing with toys like cars o puppets, Yuu wanted to play with his beyblade. 

There was nothing wrong with that, actually. He just had other interests, but then things got interesting. Yuu started talking about the math and physics about beys, examing the pieces. And he was just three. He was supposed to be  laughing and watching kids series. Well he did watch those, with interest in fact but still!!

And then it started. When Yuu was four he started to talk about the end of the world. How a dark bey would destroy it and only the winged horse could stop him. His parents thought he had watched a funny show or had a weird dream so they ignored it, smiling slightly at their son. But as time passed Yuu started to tell a lot of things. Like when a volcano would explode or who would have an accident. He even read thoughts sometimes. He was always right.

Who would've thought that the little boy would predict much more of the future.


Yuu was lying awake in bed again. It was dark outside, the stars shining in the dark of the summer night. He had that dream again, but he couldn't tell his parents. They wold just send him back to bed. Again. They didn't understand what he was saying and if he was  honest, he didn't really either. He just knew something was going to happen. Something bad. When? He didn't know.

Standing up, Yuu opened his window and looked at the stars. The full moon was slowly fading behind he clouds. Full moon. At this time his 'powers' were most powerful. He didn't like it. It meant tomorrow he would have more thoughts, then the other days.

Yuu sighed, resting his head on his hands. Other kids were afraid of him and he was only twelve. He may live only in a small village that was far away from others but he felt well. Sure he wanted to explore the world but his dreams were giving him chills. He was sure he would be safe where he was.

Still he was bored out of his mind. No one played with him and his curiosity was growing every day. And then he saw it. A shooting star.

Quickly Yuu clasped his hands together and closed his eyes.

"Please give me someone that doesn't fear me. Give me someone that needs me. Someone that I can look up to, That's all I'm asking you" Yuu pleaded silently, wishing the shooting star would grant him his wish.

Slowly Yuu climbed back into his bed, trying to go back to sleep.

The next morning Yuu awoke to a loud crash. Jumping awake, the young boy quickly looked around his room, finding nothing but his normal stuff. Relieved Yuu sighed, lying down again. Must've been his imagination.


Yelping Yuu jumped out of his bed and pressed his ear against the door, listening. There was someone talking with his parents.

"You will not take my son!" he heard his father yell. So they were after him. He had feared a day like this would come. Where someone found out about him and his abilities. Someone of the travelers must have been talking.

But nothing had warned him about this day. He had no dream no vision. Yuu growled frustrated. He would never use a shooting star again.

"Oh but that's were you are wrong" he heard another man say "he will be very useful for us."

"If you are here then he already knows and is gone! His dreams would tell him! They always do!" his mother yelled, frustrated. She was kind of right. He should get away now, before the man would get to him.

Just as he ran  to his window to jump out, grabbing his bey, flame Libra in the process, he heard the man laugh.

"Oh he won't get anywhere. I have prepared anything. Ryuga is already in the backyard, preventing him from getting anywhere" god damn it.

"Who is Ryuga? And where is he? I can't see anyone". Yuu squinted his eyes as he looked out of his window, unaware of the figure in the shadows behind him.

"That would be me" a dark voice behind him said. Yuu yelped and almost fell out of the window. But before he could a strong hand grabbed him at the collar of his shirt lifting him up.  Yuu wiggled around in  the strong grip, trying to break free until he saw the eyes of his captor. Those cold golden eyes were terrifying for the small child. 

"You're supposed to be the all knowing one? You're just a kid" the older man laughed "How old are you? Six? Seven" he grinned, leaning his head to the side.

Yuu growled. "I'm twelve! Who do you think you are, huh? Everyone has to start as a kid!" he yelled angrily.

"My you got some fire don't you? Doji was right you will be pretty useful" the man said,jumping out of the window, Yuu still in his hands.

"Hey!" Yuu yelled "put me down!"

"No can do kid. I need some info's about the future and you can tell us" Ryuga meant.

"But that's not how it works" Yuu protested as he was thrown into a helicopter. Doji himself was climbing into the helicopter too, sitting on a seat at the side.

"What about my parents" the young boy asked, looking back at his home. He couldn't go without them. Free will or not.

"They will stay here" Doji said, not even looking at Yuu.


"no buts. You will learn when you're older."

Yuu sighed. This was going to be hard. At least he had Libra with him. Without Libra Yuu couldn't protect himself.

Yuu looked closer at Ryuga. He seemed pretty familiar. The aura around him was dark and threatening and he wasn't even looking at Yuu. He was just sitting there with his eyes closed.

Yuus eyes widened and he quickly looked away before someone could notice. He was it. He was the one from his dreams. He was the darkness that threatened the world. That was not good. One of them was already there and it was the darkness not the light.

He had to get away and find the light before it was to late. The winged horse had to be awake too.


Hey hey. My first Beyblade fanfic. This has been roaming around my head for days. They always said that Yuu was a genius and then I thought about this. I hope you like it.

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