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It had been weeks, since Yuu had been taken from his home. His parents left behind and in the clutches of the darkness his dreams had predicted. Even if he was only twelve, he knew of the danger he was facing. Yet, he had no idea of how to get out.

The light had to be awake, or at least he hoped so. He had begged the stars to give him more dreams about the future, but there were none. In a way it was good, because the darkness wanted to know lots of things. Yet, without dreams, he could say nothing.

He had tried to escape for weeks, but was found every time. He was getting desperate.

Once again he sat in that stupid room, where they were asking him questions. Every time he told them the same thing.

"I have had enough of this" the man named Doji said. "I want answers and you will give them to me" he yelled angrily.

Yuu leaned back in his chair. He wasn't really afraid of him anymore. More like annoyed.

"You are so boring. Can't we do something else for once? I have told you like a million times, it doesn't work like that" he pouted. God, he was getting tired

"And how does it work?" Doji asked. Yuu groaned. The same questions every damn day. For weeks the same question over and over again. A question that he had no answer to. But he did learn other things. Mind reading was awesome.

"I don't know" he groaned. "How many times do I have to tell you? I have no idea how it works or how to control it, it just happens" well it wasn't entirely the truth. He knew about the darkness and the light, but Doji didn't need to now that.

After all, he was the one with all the powers, that were utterly useless right now.

"There has to be something you know. Isn't there anything you know about L-Drago and Pegasus" he tried again. Oh, now he got him.

"Well why didn't you say that from the beginning? Of course I know" he scoffed. He was getting bored, and they kind of knew about it, so why not tell them something.

Doji groaned in frustration. This kid was going to be the end of him. "Fine then just say what you know about it" he sighed.

"All I know yet is that they will fight. I don't know when and I don't know who will win"  Yuu shrugged.

"AAHhhh, you are useless. Utterly useless!!!" Doji yelled.

"Not my fault. I don't predict the future perfectly, okay? I just see what fight will come. The outcome can never be predicted. It's something that can never be told" the young boy said.

"Way to complicated" Doji sighed. "Just go back to your room and get some sleep."

With a slight huff, Yuu stood and went back to his so called room. It was nothing big. Just a small room with a bed, a desk and a chair. Really boring. No matter though. Tonight he was getting out. He had planed everything.

He knew where the cameras were placed, knew their angles. And the positions of the guards. He could get out.

So when it was late, very late, he silently opened his door and peeked out. No one was there. Perfect. Yuu sneaked out of the room and down the halls. He had closed the door behind him. They would know he escaped at some point, but it would give him some time, if they found out later.

To his dismay, there were guards at the entrance of the building. He looked at his Bey.

"Listen Libra. I need you to knock something down to distract them. Make them leave their spot" he whispered. Launching his Bey, he fired it at some random direction.

After about ten seconds, something shattered, catching the guards attention. Both of them ran down the other hall, and Libra quickly returned to Yuu.

Yuu ran out of the building, down the hill. It had been way to easy to escape, but he wasn't going to complain about it. He ran as fast as he could.

At some point he arrived in a town. It was dark and he couldn't see anything. He had no idea where to go. Maybe his plan hadn't been perfect. He couldn't just sleep on the streets. And then it started raining. So he would get sick too, great.

So, at some point, he found something like a Bey store. He felt like he would find help here. This was the right place. He knocked and waited. And waited. He knocked again, louder.

This time, lights turned on somewhere above. Footsteps could be heard. He couldn't believe it actually worked. He just knocked and someone woke up from it. Must be a light sleeper.

A young woman with light brown hair and some glasses in them opened the door. Yuu was soaking wet by now, shivering in the cold air. The woman gasped, all the tiredness that had been there vanishing.

"Oh my god. What is a kid like you doing out here? Get in" she grabbed his arm and pulled him inside. He was grateful that she just let him stay, apparently.

She pushed him onto a couch and started to search for a towel. After finding one, she gave it to him.

"What were you doing outside?" she asked again.

"That's a long story" he mumbled, trying to dry himself as much as he could. He was tired and wasn't in the mood to explain is supernatural powers and his cosmic position or whatever. Or the fact that he was captured by a madman, who was trying to get him to talk.

No he was not in the mood at all.

"Then you can tell me in the morning. I'm sorry, but I only have the couch for you to sleep" she apologized.

"It's fine. Thank you for letting me stay" he smiled lightly.

"Madoka what is going on" a tired voice asked. Definitely male.

From the metal stairs came a young boy, about sixteen maybe. He wore normal jeans, and Yuu could tell he was a Blader. There was everything he needed on his belt. Orange shirt and blue jacket. But what caught the kids eyes most, was his headband.

On his blue headband was a white horse-head with wings. The Pegasus. Yuu's eyes widened all tiredness being washed away. He dropped the towel into his lap.

"Oh Gingka, you're awake. The boy was outside all alone, wet from the rain. I couldn't leave him there" the woman explained. Apparently, her name was Madoka.  And the boys name was Gingka. They seemed to be about the same age.

Yuu couldn't believe his  eyes. The light had been so close to the darkness, and he didn't even notice it.

"It's you" he whispered. Both of them turned towards him.

"Who?" they asked.

Yuu stood up. "You! You are the light Blader! The Pegasus Blader! You will go against the darkness!"


So I kind of forgot about this story, but now I will continue it as much as I can


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