Chapter Nine

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Anna felt like the week had gone by so fast, it was last period on Friday and all Anna could think about was the party. She had figured out what to wear on Wednesday and she bought it the day after, it was a silk baby blue bomber jacket on top of a black crop top, a denim mini skirt and vans to top it off. She knew it wasn't the most flattering of outfits, but she wasn't the type of person who would wear something flattering, she was leaving that up to Cindy Millers and her boyfriend Daniel Tan.
The bell rung and Anna felt like hugging the the teacher, but of course, she decided not to.
She walked most of the way home with Maria and Maria's new girlfriend, Ashley, they told Anna that were both going to go to the party together and were taking as their 'first date', this made Anna realise she was going by herself, she asked if she could walk there with them and they agreed that Anna would pick them up at seven and they would all leave together at ten. When Anna got home, she tried on her outfit and stared at herself in the mirror, she had never noticed how beautiful she actually was, perfect face shape, perfect long blonde hair, perfect blue eyes, for a minute she wondered why she wasn't one of the popular girls, but she ignored it and changed back into her normal clothes.
Anna was on the phone with Becky, talking about the party,
"Have you tried on your outfit yet Anna?"
"Yeah, it actually looks okay"
"Nice! Are you going to be drinking at the party?" Anna stopped and thought for a while,
"Well, I haven't actually ever drunk alcohol before so..."
"You've NEVER drunk alcohol????"
"Nope, never."
"Okay, you need to try some before it's too late!"
"Okay, I don't really see why I have too, but... okay"
"I have to go now Anna, my little brother just pooped on the sofa, bye!!"
Becky ended the call before Anna could say anything else. "Alcohol, huh?" Anna said to herself.
Anna walked downstairs and checked that no one was around to see her, after she made sure that nobody was about, she opened the cupboard under the sink and behind all the bleach and chemical cleaners was her mother's stash of alcoholic drinks. She looked around for a bottle of cider or beer until she found a small can of cider, she took it out and read the back of the can, 2.6 units, she sighed and opened the can as quietly as she could, she held the can up to her lips "why am I doing this, why am I doing this, why am I doing this" she thought, but she ignored all her senses that told her not to and tipped her head and the can backwards, pouring the beverage into her mouth and down her throat. After at least two seconds of intense drinking, she stopped herself and put the can on the table. She enjoyed the taste, but she felt guilty, she felt this horrible sinking feeling in her stomach, like she had just killed someone. Anna decided not to have anymore, she poured the contents of the can into the sink and put the can in the bin.
Upstairs, Anna started to feel slightly dizzy "but I only had like, a few gulps, okay, just go to sleep, and it'll all be over in the morning."

Authors note:
I'm British, and in this country, the minimum age for drinking alcohol is eighteen, so Anna was not illegally drinking in this chapter, or the next. 😇

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