Chapter Ten

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Anna checked herself in her mirror one last time before she went to pick up Maria and Ashley, she fixed part of her smudged lipstick and went downstairs "Okay, I'm going now!" She shouted "wait!" Anna heard Dylan rush out of his room and downstairs, he stopped himself from hugging Anna, and instead gave her a high five, "good luck" he said,
"I don't need luck Dylan, my friends have my back if anything goes wrong, okay?" Anna hugged Dylan tight "okay, love you, bye!"
"Bye! Don't wake mum up, remember? But when she does wake up, tell her I love her!" Anna said goodbye one more time before closing the door and heading towards Maria's house.
Maria's house was close to Anna's, it was only a five minute walk, so Anna got there at exactly two minutes past seven. She walked up to the door, rung the door bell and took one step back. The door opened about forty seconds after Anna rung it, Ashley and Maria came out the door hand in hand and they all walked to the party, laughing and gossiping.
They were still five minutes away and Anna could already hear some mindless generic pop music blaring from the venue, and she knew it was Amelia's party because Anna always noticed Amelia listening to it. Anna got a bit left out on the way there, as most of it was just Ashley and Maria kissing and flirting, it made Anna feel a bit sick, not the fact that they were lesbian, she just had this thing about germs which she couldn't stand.

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