1. Pause. Restart.

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Chapter 1: Pause. Restart.

Aurora Monet's P.O.V.

Vacation's almost over, and I do not want to go back to school. Period. My friends are dropping like flies, but on the bright side, my best friend is coming back. Sigh. I should be happy. I am, but I should be happier. Ecstatic even. Maybe that'll change in the next few days, hopefully. More reason not to go back, Adam and Jacob. Double sigh.
I lay in bed contemplating my entire life, and so called love life.
"Ro-Ro?" Claudia, my sister, breaks my thoughts. I look over to her side of the room, slightly irritated, "What?" She's laying on her bed, facing me, with her head propped up by her hand.
"How come Adam hasn't come by in a while? I wanna show him the water gun Daddy bought for me," Claudia brings up the boy.
"He stopped being my friend so he's not coming over anymore," I tell her frankly.
"What?! Why?" she questions with disbelief.
"Yeah. That's the thing. I don't actually know. I have no clue what exactly happened with me and him," I say as honestly as I can, without telling her all my business. She's a nosey child.
"Oh," she replies with sadness clear in her voice. This break up is hurting more than just me. Sigh.
See, although she didn't know we were together, she very much welcomed it. Even blatantly saying we should have babies at one point. She wants nieces and nephews soon, apparently. Um, not yet, maybe after university.
She obviously adored the boy, almost as much as I did. He made her happy every time he came over when my mom wasn't here. So she never told Mom when he was here. Of course, Mom found out later, those nosey ass neighbors, and told me not to have him in the house when she wasn't here, at least. Which was fine, cause he never stepped foot in the house, out fear seemingly. Well, till about a month ago when I was the only one at home. He was really horny that day I guess. He was upset that I wouldn't give him any... I degress.
Our relationship felt passionate yet simple, but then shit hit the fan. I asked 'too many questions'. They were valid by the way. I just wanted him to communicate with me, and be honest and open. Next thing you know, we're going our separate ways. For all I know he could've been cheating. Sigh. I don't wanna think about it. It's over now. I close my eyes and hope the days go by slowly. They didn't.

The days have passed by so freaking fast. It's now the night before school and all the lights are out.
"Psstt," I hear, as my eyes begin to droop. The fuck?
"Pst, Ro-Ro," Claudia whispers again. I raise up from under my covers, "What!?" I whisper back. The fuck is with this child.
"I just wanted to see if you were sleeping yet," she says. Why the hell does she do this shit tho. No, this ain't the first time.
I stare in her direction for a solid minute as my eyes begin to adjust to the darkness. I blink, take a deep breath and return to my pillow.
"Wait! Aurora!," she whisper yells. Sometimes I wish murdering my sister was an option, but it isn't. I get back up and whisper, "What?"
"Are you ready to go back to school?," she asks me. Sigh.
"Not really," I tell her honestly, "Now go to bed before Mom hears and comes in here and beats us with whatever she can find." I rest my head abruptly on my pillow.
"Good night, Aurora Monet," she whispers. Sigh.
"Night, Claudia," I mumble.
It took me forever to fall asleep. Took the dummy a couple minutes.
By the time Mom had come to wake us up, we had fallen back asleep when she left to make breakfast. Mom hates when we do this. But, we do it almost every morning. She comes back in and yells, "If yall don't get your asses out of bed right now, Imma drag your asses outside," and stomps away, shaking the room a bit. The floor is made of wood and it's an old house.
We get up after that and go outside, seeing as she has drug my ass outside before and it's cold in the morning, so I don't appreciate being drug at this hour. And my sister doesn't want to experience what I did. Being drug across the floor and outside our bedroom onto cold ass tiles. My mom's a savage like that. We all eat our breakfast in silence and get ready for our day.
Our school is a bit prestigious I guess, and we wear uniforms. The standard white blouse with the school logo on the left, magenta-ish-purple skirt and black shoes for girls, and white button up shirt with the school logo on the breast pocket, black or grey dress pants and black shoes for boys. The boys in the lower classes tend to wear black and the ones in upper classes tend to wear grey pants. I don't know if it's mandatory. I'm not a boy so I never really payed attention to their dress code, just the girls. Our skirts are meant to cover our knees, and the lower classes wear pleated skirts now, while the upper class still mainly wear our regular skirts with the little slits on the side. Some of us, like myself, wear both skirts interchangeably. They're only really strict about the skirt being below your knees, not whether or not it's pleated.
"Please be ready by 6:45, I have to get to work early," Mom says as she goes to get ready. Claudia's taking her sweet time with the breakfast as usual.
We somehow managed to get ready by 6:50. We were all in the car by 7:00. It was a silent drive.
The school is huge. It basically has every age range here so me and baby sister technically go to the same school, but there's three separate buildings for elementary, junior high and senior high. My sister is in elementary and I'm in senior high, so we go our separate ways.
As I enter the building, it doesn't take long for me to see my good friend, Bonita.
"Bon-Bon!" I greet her enthusiastically. She looks in my direction and smiles, with arms wide open, saying, "Ro-Ro!" We hug. She's shorter than me by a couple inches, maybe three. Oh, and she's biracial, Spanish and Indian to be specific. She looks more Indian though.
"How are," she pauses, threading lightly, I assume, "things?"
"'Things' are fine," I put a little emphasis on the word 'things'.
"Sure they are," she says obviously not believing me.
"Change subject please," I deadpan.
"They stopped talking to me too," she says slightly sad.
The 'they' she's referring to is our ex friends, Cristina and Karishna.
"Damn. So we both got kicked out of the foursome," I sigh, "They didn't like us at first anyway," I say the last part under my breathe.
"Being a duo is way better than being a foursome," she says while putting an arm around my shoulders with a grin. I shake my head at her.
"Aurora," a sing-song voice calls to me. Someone's on that Oprah shit today. I turn us around to see Kimonique, my best friend, coming right at us.
"Looks like this duo is becoming a trio," I say right before Kim suffocates me. She's significantly taller than us by the way. She's also mixed.
She was in a different school, and now she's not. Yay. But, she's crushing me. So. Boo.
"I. Need. To breathe," I let out. She releases me and starts dusting me off for some reason before saying, "Sorry, Rory." I laugh at her behavior, "It's all good." I grab Bonnie's arm and bring her a little closer, "Kim, this is my friend Bonita," I introduce them, "Bonnie, this is my best friend Kimonique." Kim laughs stretches out her hand.
"Nice to meet you, Bonita," Kim says as Bonnie takes her hand and they shake.
"Nice to finally meet you too, Kimonique," Bonnie says chuckling. I take them by their arms to flank both my sides.
"Well, now that that's done, let's go to homeroom," I said as I was about to walk with them, but I pause, "Kim which class are you in?"
"Yours of course. I ask them if I could be in your homeroom, they said sure. Apparently, two students in your homeroom no longer go here, so I got dibs," Kim says smiling and sticks her tongue out real fast.
"Hmm, cool. I wonder who they are? Eh," I shrug my shoulders, dismissing it.
"I heard Lisa got pregnant," Bonnie pipes up as we start walking to class.
"Oh my gosh. Well, when roll call happens we'll know," I say just as we enter the class room. We take the free seats next to each other. Gotta claim your seats on the first day. Some seats already have bag packs on them. Clear sign they're taken.
In that moment, it dawned on me that I was gonna share a homeroom with not only my best friend and good friend for years, but also all my ex-boyfriends and recent ex-friends. Oy vey.
Literally seconds after this realisation of mine, Karishna walks in and takes a seat a couple seats away from us. Good. No eye contact. Luckily for me, Cristina's in a different homeroom and we only all have Math and English all together.
"Who is that?," Kim asks with that weird tone girls get when they see a cute guy. I scoff.
"Oh that's Yvonne's boyfriend. I can't remember his name tho," Bonnie cuts in.
"Evil Yvonne has a boyfriend," I say in shock. Bonnie laughs at my reaction, "Well, you would know if you paid attention."
"Yeah Rory, look at him. He's hot," Kim lets me know, still looking in his direction I guess. So I give in and look where they're looking. Oh. Oh shit. He is fine. And tall. I like that. He's looking around the room.
"He's," I pause, "a beefy young man. I've never seen him before tho."
"Again, you need to start paying attention, he came here last year and was placed in the other homeroom," Bonnie starts telling me.
"Cristina's homeroom?" I cut in her explanation. She looks annoyed at me. I pull a face a her. She continues after shaking her head at me, "No the other one. Pay attention, girl. Anyway, as soon he got here last year, Yvonne practically grabbed at him before anyone else could."
"Wow, so they've been together since then. Hmm probably didn't see him cause I have this thing that helps me avoid even really seeing Yvonne or even acknowledging her presence. So if he's always with her, I definitely ain't gon see him. Plus I had a lot of stuff going on last year," I say honestly.
"Well, you can pay attention now," Kim says squinting her eyes at me. The hell why? I don't know. She scoffs, "A whole year, and ain't even seen this fine specimen till now. Shame." I chuckle at her words. She just wanted to have been informed of him sooner. I roll my eyes.
Now all three of us are watching him. He's kinda waiting at the door now. It doesn't take long for him to perk up. Yvonne walks in the room, passing him straight and walking to her friends, leaving her bag with them before going back to him and grabbing his arm, pulling him away, out of the classroom, where we can't see them no more. Meh.
"Was that Yvonne? Cause how he gon let that girl man handle him like that," Kim says in irritation.
"Yup that was her," says Bonnie in sarcastically cheery tone.
"Is that why you call her Evil Yvonne, cause she rude?" Kim asks as she folds her arms in disgust, "Can't treat a good looking guy like that. You just can't."
"Nah. I actually don't know if she is evil. Like I said I avoid her all together. She's not on my radar at all. I just know her first name and what she looks like. I really just overheard someone call her that in the bathroom in my first year here. This is the first time I actually referred to her as evil," I tell her, and now she's looking at me like I'm crazy. She's the one that looks crazy.
"Som'n wrong witchu girl," she scoffs at me. Bonnie's cackling beside me. I give a look and she starts to fake cough it away. That little...hmff. I take a deep breath and hiss my teeth.
I see the time on the clock above the blackboard. Five minutes till our homeroom teacher is here to call roll and stuff. More students start walking in at this point, mostly boys. Typical. I see my exes walking with the crowd, including Adam and Jacob. Luckily most of the boys are delinquents and usually stay to the back of the class. We were a little closer to the front, sort of the middle.
The bell rings. Gosh did that thing get louder. Our homeroom teacher walks in. I sigh. Please let me get through this day.
Oh, and when the roll was called, Lisa's name didn't get called. So the pregnancy thing could be true. When a girl just stops coming to school without like telling the class she's going to another school or whatever, we usually see her nine months later with a baby, so, yeah. And the other kid that's gone, he didn't really show up much to begin with. Now when a guy leaves, it usually cause he's working now due to family circumstances or something, like jail, or he just got expelled, privately. There has been public expulsions but they're rare.
Finally, our homeroom teacher leaves. Bonnie gets up. I look at her. She looks at me. She blinks rapidly.
"Class. We have class. In like ten to fifteen minutes. Let's go," she states. Ugh. Now Kim's got me by the arm. I hiss and grab my bag pack. I don't want to go. Like Chris Brown sang, 'I don't wanna go there.'

Please don't let me go there

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Please don't let me go there.

My Wattpad Books:

The Mating Series #1: She's The Alpha's Lost Girl

The Mating Series #2: My Wild Innocent Broken Mate

The Mating Series #3: The Dark Alpha's Weaknesses

It's Complicated

Danny Phantom: Phresh Start

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