One - Mad Dad

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"You okay kiddo?" Patton asks me with the usual smile he always has on his face as he walks into the living room, where I'm sitting on the couch.

I was annoyed because Roman was constantly out of the house lately, but I wasn't about to admit that to him.

Right now Roman is standing next to me, watching me play minecraft on my phone. He's been silent since he came home.

"Y-Yeah I'm f-okay." I respond quietly, looking down, then quickly back to my phone screen. I was about to say "I'm fine", but that lie is detected so easily it's insane. Even though no matter what phrase I used, Patton would always know I'm lying, if I am..

Patton glares at me and I shrink down against the couch, worried for his reaction.

And I was right to be worried.

Suddenly Patton slams his fist down on the counter, making me jump. Even Logan and Roman flinched.

I let out a squeak of surprise and Roman is immediately beside me on the couch, wrapping his arms around me protectively.

"Save it." He says, referring to my game.

I do as he says and shove my phone in my pocket quickly. I can feel Patton's glare as Logan stands by him telling him soothing words.

"Patton, what could have possibly caused such a sudden feeling of anger?"

"I'm just so sick and tired of Virgil lying! He's not okay! I know it! And he lied to me!" He yells.
I feel a burning feeling in my stomach. Guilt. I know that feeling far too well. I bite my lip and whimper against Roman.

"I just missed you.. we all go to different schools.. you've been gone so much.."

"Shh.. be quiet Virgil.. I know." Roman says softly, rubbing my hand in soothing circles.

Patton's outburst didn't last long after Logan went over to him and hugged him tightly, calming him down.

"Sorry I yelled kiddo. I just hate it when you say you're fine but you're not. How bout I make you a deal. Every time I ask you if you're okay, if you tell me the truth, I'll give you a cookie."

I smile widely, "I mean I would appreciate that, but you don't have to do that."

Patton narrows his eyes, "Too bad I'm doing it anyway." He smiles and pats my shoulder. Roman hugs me tighter and I smile, satisfied.

"Mmkay daddio." I say, relaxing.

Roman looks at me and lifts my chin to look at him. He kisses me on the cheek and I smile.
"I love you." Roman says.

"I love you too."

oH mY gOd - lilboyvirgeWhere stories live. Discover now