I would fly a thousand oceans for you

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Ashton has done nothing but lie on the living room floor wallowing in self pity since Luke left on his little adventure three days ago. The youngest boy refuses to tell anyone where he is but insists that he's fine. Ashton feels like a total dick because he knows Luke only left because he wouldn't play along with the stupid song thing.

"Get off the floor dickhead, some of us want to use this living room." Michael says kicking Ashton in the side.

"No, leave me alone."

"Come on Ash! It's no big deal! Luke will be home in a couple days. He just needed some time to himself."

"How do you know?!" Ashton yells frustrated.

"Because he told be before he left."

"You knew he was going to leave and you didn't do anything about it?"

"Yeah, everyone needs some time to themselves every once in a while. He was upset because I said you'd probably kill me if I played along with his song thing."

"Well I would have."

"Exactly, now get off the floor and shower. You smell."

"Thanks Mikey, just what everyone wants to hear when their boyfriend runs off."

"No problem Ash." Michael says smirking.

Ashton gets up off the ground and goes to shower, thinking about Luke the whole time. Not like that you perverts, he just misses his boyfriend.

When Ashton finally gets out if the shower he gets dressed in one of Luke's big sweaters that's like a dress on him and some skinny jeans before going downstairs for some food.

"Hey buddy. How you holding up?" Calum asks when Ashton walks into the kitchen.

"I feel like I've been torn in two Cal. So not good."

"I'm sorry buddy. I'm sure he'll be home soon." Calum pulls Ashton into a hug and the older boy breaks down crying the moment Calum's arms are around him. "Let it out buddy. It's okay."

"I miss him is much Cal and it's only been three days." He says sniffling. "He hasn't even broken up with me or anything but like I'm nothing without him."

"You're not nothing without him. You're just a little broken right now. Everything will be okay when he comes home."

Then Ashton mutters the one thing that they've all been fearing, "what if he doesn't come home?"

"He will Ashton. I know he will."

"Okay," Ashton whispers in reply burying his head into Calum's chest.


Ashton's been trying to hold it together more for himself than for the boys but if anyone asked he'd say it was for them. His talk with Calum earlier today really helped him get his emotions out so he's been feeling a bit better.

Ashton feels his phone vibrate so he reaches into his pocket quickly pulling it out hoping it was a text from Luke but there's nothing. "Stupid fantom vibrations" he mumbles. While he has his phone out he decided to send Luke a quick text.

To: Lukey <3
Wherever you are, just know that I love you.

He sends the text before he can over think it and goes on twitter to distract himself. After scrolling through his mentions and seeing some really cute things the fans have said he decides to send out a tweet.

@Ashton5SOS: I know I shouldn't tell you but I just can't stop thinking of you.

He closes his twitter app and puts his phone away turning the tv on to serve as his new distraction. He finds a spongebob marathon running on Nick so he watches that. Michael and Calum join him around the third episode with popcorn and cuddles to help cheer him up and for the time being it works quite well.


Lying in bed that night Ashton decides to call Luke, he's almost called him every night that the younger boy has been gone but decided against it not wanting to be a nuisance. He answers almost immediately.

"Hey Ashy."

"Hi Lukey. I miss you."

"I know Ash. I'll be home soon. I promise."

"Were still together right?" Ashton asks barely able to hold his tears in.

"Oh Ashy," Luke says hearing the fear and sadness in his boyfriends voice, "of course we are. Unless you don't want to be."

"Of course I want to be together Luke! I love you and only you. You're it for me it'll be always be you."

"I feel the same way Ashton. I love you so much."

"I was worried that you had moved on and that's why you left."

"Ashton, I would fly a thousand oceans for you. If I couldn't have you I would just walk alone because you are my love and my life."

"I love you so much Lukey."

"I love you too Ashy."

The two boys continue to talk into the early hours of the morning when Luke falls asleep on the phone. Ashton whispers another "I love you" to him before hanging up the phone and plugging it into it's charger.

As Ashton lays there that night he realizes that he actually wouldn't really mind acting out the songs with Luke. It seems like his life has turned into one of them anyway.

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