The Tweet That Made My Heart Skip a Beat (A Luke Brooks story)

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Hey guys! Soo funny story how I came up with the idea for this there I am. Sitting, eating some pizza, and staring out the window. Thinking about things like the weather..One Direction..The Janoskians..Niall..Luke..and other stuff..when all of a sudden it hits me.

WHY DON'T I START A JANOSKIAN STORY?!?!?!?!? It's like one of those moments in a movie when the camera zooms into my face and a ray of light shines on me. Ya know?

Okay it actually wasn't that much of a funny story..okay not a funny story at all. But I thought I'd share :)

 I have the Imagines 'story' which doesn't have an ending? I'll be uploading chapters of that whenever I think of some ideas or get some requests. As for this story. I'm really eager to get going so I'll probably be uploading a lot for a while! :) GET EXCITED.

Sorry for all that^^ being so long..and sorry for this being short. IT'S ONLY THE PROLOGUE.



Who knew that one tweet could change my life forever? I sure didn't. I was one of those people who's wishes never came true. No matter how hard you wished for it. The universe just wasn't on my side I guess.

But there were two things..or ten people that made me happier than anything else in the world. Them being One Direction and The Janoskians. I don't go one day without hardcore fangirling about those boys. They're practically my life! Not to mention I'm going to marry Niall Horan and Luke Brooks. Don't ask me how..because I still haven't figured that out myself.

Anyways! I'm getting carried away here. What was I talking about? Oh yea! The tweet! So like many other huge fans I constantly tweet all the boys. Desperately trying to get them to notice me. I didn't know that one of them actually would. And what happened next..I've only thought could happen in my dreams.

So hope you liked that!




Oh and if anyone would be kind enough to help me out and make me a cover for this story? You could be featured in it if you did :) HELP A FELLOW WATTPADER OUT :)

The Tweet That Made My Heart Skip a Beat (A Luke Brooks story)Where stories live. Discover now