1• extrovert. (thomas holland)

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Tom's POV
Interviewer:"So, Tom. Any leading lady's in your life the fans don't  know about?"

Tom:"Can it be off the record until we announce?"

Interviewer:"Yes, if you want." She gestures to the cameraman to cut the camera.

Tom:"I've been in a relationship with Yn for about 10 months but it feels like a great eternity. Her voice and her eyes and hair. All of those are just small yet very well playing factors of why I'm with her. The way she smiles, the was she laughs, the was she just is is so spectacular to me. I've been in love with her for such a long time and when we announce our relationship to the world in 2 months, we'll be unbreakable. That's all I really want."

Interviewer:"Well, Mr. Holland, that was sweet as fuck. I'm allowed to say that, we're not rolling."

Tom:"Thank you. She here actually. Would you like to meet her?"

Interviewer:"Why not? Bring her out."

I go behind the curtain and grab Yn's wrist.

Tom:"This is my girlfriend."

Yn:"Tom, I thought we were gonna wait to tell all those people." She said, visibly getting angry.

Tom:"No, love. The cameras aren't rolling. There's only one rolling. That one? I'm gonna post it on our anniversary."

Yn:"Why are you like this? Oh, my gosh." She kisses my cheek as she goes back to the donut cart. I sit down in the chair as we roll the cameras again and start getting down to the questions about my acting and of course, Zendaya.

Why couldn't they just let us live and be friends, I thought.
It's always about relationships.

Interviewer:"So, how's Zendaya doing?"

Tom:"She's fine. I haven't talked to her in a few days but she's doing alright."

Interviewer:"When did you guys break up?"

Tom:"Well, we never broke up because we never dated."

Interviewer:"Did you two ever want to be together?"

Tom:"No. We were just close friends."

Interviewer:"Do you have any regrets in your relationship with Zend-"

Tom:"Thank you for today, love. I had a great time."

Interviewer:"Mr. Holland, why avoid the questions?"

Tom:"I've said it numerous times the past year, we are not and never we're in a dating relationship. She's a close friend. That's all. Thank you very much." I shake her hand as I walk behind the curtain, grab Yn's wrist as she asks me with cheeks full of donuts,"What's wrong? Did she strike a nerve? I'll kill her."

I stop her from walking to the interview area and just say the name, Zendaya.

Yn:"Oh. What about her? I miss her."

Tom:"I miss her, too, but it's just about how her and I "dated" when that wasn't the case. We're close, that's it. I don't like when people jump to conclusions."

Yn:"I know, babe, want a donut?" She opens a small box that has 7 donuts in it as I take one. We walk hand and hand out to the parking lot to the car. I open her door, she gets in. I get in, start the car and head back to my townhouse.

Yn:"You know, maybe if you just accepted what people said, they wouldn't give you a problem. I don't like that they say y'all are together, either but if it gets them off your case then by all means."

She's actually making sense. Just accept it, "break up", and be done with this.

I call Daya.

Zen:"--Hey, Tom.--"

Tom:"Hi, Daya."

Yn, yelling from the kitchen:"Hi, Zenny!"

Zen:"--Hey, mama. Okay, Holland. Why'd you call me?--"

Tom:"So you know how people- mostly fans- say we're dating?"

Zen:"--Where are you going with this? I thought you've been into Yn--?"

Tom:"I am, I am. But I'm saying. What if we say, just once, that we were together? Maybe people would back off. And then, in a few weeks, we "break up"? You can see me doing air quotes, right?"

Zen:"--Yes, Holland, I see you doing air quotes.--"

Tom:"So, how bout it? You and I do this and then I can announce me and Yn."

Zen:"--But how are you gonna say you two were together a year when we're supposed to be "together"?--"

Tom:"There's always next year. Besides, total seclusion with my girlfriend? The best."

Zen:"--Okay, Tom. I'll think about it. And I wan

my jacket back.--"

Tom:"Yeah yeah yeah, goodbye. We'll talk to you soon."

Yn:"Bye, daddy Daya!"

Zen:"--Bye, daddy Yn!--"

Tom:"She said she'll think about it. But while she thinks..."

I get up and walk behind Yn as she's cutting up onions and tearing up.

Tom:"I thought onions didn't bother you."

Yn, crying:"I saw a dog commercial and they had the dogs in cages talking about some, "Help save the animals, help get these animals into better homes. They brought the cameras there! They can do it themselves! But of course I'm the one sending in money."

Tom:"Did you start yo-"

Yn, nodding vigorously:"Mhm mhm mhm."

Tom:"Go lay down, love. I'll finish here." She kisses my cheek and walks into my room. I finish making our dinner and call her as we sit and eat. Together.
Hiii guyth. I hope you like this. I've had this idea for a long time and I hope you really think it's cute. 💗

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