2• climax (thomas holland)

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(Play the song "Searchin" by sonder when I put the "🔴")

I was into him. More than he'll ever know. But he never noticed the one for him. Which is me.

Tom:"Hey, Yn."

You:"Hi, boy."

I look at him, holding the hand of Megan. They walk past me, Tom smiling. I hate Megan. Her wavey brown hair, and green eyes were beautiful but her soul was just dark. Her and Tom always fought, making everyone in the room uncomfortable. But I was his true friend, aside from Jacob and Harrison.

You:"Tom, can we talk? It's about the senior prank."

Tom:"What's up, love? What do you need help with?"

You:"Why are you and Megan still together? I thought you were done...?"

Tom:"I'm thinking of the time to do it. Besides, I've had feelings for this one girl for a while. I think you'll like her."

You:"Wow. Another girl. Hope she's worth it."

Tom:"She very much is."


Tom:"I promise you, we'll be done by tonight." He hugs me, kissed my cheek and ran back to Megan, putting his arm around her. He and her walked into the lunchroom as I continue to fumble with the banner for prom.

Jacob:"Hey, Yn."

You:"Hi, Coby." I get off the ladder to hug him.

Jacob:"You know I hate that, stop it." He hugs me back.

You:"Ugh. After today, I need a shower and a bath, this is exhausting."

Jacob:"At least you have your friends to help you." He points to Laura and Daya.

You:"Yeah, I know. But, Tom's finally breaking up with Megan tonight. Don't tell a soul. He just told me and I'm waiting for him to text me and tell me."

Jacob:"Ok, ok. Just finish this wall and I'll walk you to your car."

You:"Ok. See you in 20."

He leaves as all I could do was think about Tom and how he's gonna break Megan's cold, lifeless heart. But I continued to put the banner up.
2 hours later
I got home after going out to a late lunch with Jacob. I make it into my house and see a note on the counter.

I'm going to your grandmother's for a few days to help her with her needs since her accident. I'll see you on Saturday. Be careful and don't get in trouble with the law. I love you.♥

I smile as I send her a pic of the note and text her, "I love you, too. Stay out of trouble, too, Madre."

I put my phone on the counter as I head to the bathroom and shower. I run the water through my brown hair and sigh that today was finally over. I wash my hair with my suave shampoo and conditioner and feel my weight being lifted off my shoulders. I rinse my body after cleansing and get out to dry. I go to my room and open my computer and see my messages.

Tom:it's done. she's no longer my girlfriend.

I feel my heart lift as a smile leaps on to my face. I smile ear to ear and dance naked in my room. I hear my doorbell ring as I throw on my "I survived my trip to NYC" shirt and my booty shorts and run to the door with my wet hair. I look through the peephole to see Tom standing there. I open the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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