✿ first date;

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- a picnic at the quarry!

- you both went swimming first.

- you twisted your ankle on a rock so bill had to carry you out of the water.

- honestly could have been a scene from a movie.

- he ended up kissing you while he was still holding you to calm you down.


- in a record store!

- you basically spent your date looking at records.

- you started gushing over your favorite band so he bought you a record.

- you both went back to his house and just danced until you nearly collapsed.

- ⇧ you danced, he stared at you.


- an ice cream date in the park!

- you got chocolate and he got vanilla

- having a big debate on which is the better flavor.

- "chocolate is obviously the superior flavor eddie, it's not boring like vanilla."

- "uh.. shit. i can't of anything."

- you were lost in each other's eyes until a bee showed up and eddie freaked out.


- a classic birdwatching date!

- you were slightly bored but stan was having fun and that's what matters.

- you pointing out different birds and stan writing them down in his book.

- "stan, what's that one?"

- "that's a pigeon, y/n."


- a day on the farm!

- basically crying over all of the animals.

- "you have to what?!"

- "we just supply hundreds of people with food, i'm sure you've probably had some of it."

- "mike, i'm vegan."

- well that was a surprise for mike and his grandfather.


- this boy brought you to the carnival!

- going on all the calm rides because you were too scared to go on anything else.

- buying candy floss that somehow gets stuck in your hair.

- he won you a bear. a bear.

- keep this man.


- you had a sleepover!

- your parents didn't suspect a thing, they just thought you were good friends.

- doing girly things like painting nails.

- you decide that being good friends was fun.

↳ sweet lovin' (it preferences!)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon