Promotion Officers - HIRING

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1. Promote CoverMart!! 

2. Use whatever method you want, but don't spam people - that tends to backfire ;)

3. Feel free to link to 'Covermart - Our Shop'!!

4. You get a permanent follow from this account, and your designer profile will be put towards the front (the first few profiles).


1. Be a CoverMart designer. You can be either a main or backup designer.

2. Be passionate about CoverMart.

3. Have fun!! XD

4. Follow this account and @starlit_darkness

5. Promote and tag CoverMart on your bio

FORM (comment it below):


Current position (main or backup?):

How active (I just want to know, that's all):

That's it! It's really simple!! Don't hesitate to become a Promotion Officer - CoverMart needs your help!!

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